


英文 國中

誰有國二下的英文課本, 能否拍一下 Unit1 The Gray Smartwatch Is Lighter the than the White One的單字 我忘了帶課本。急需!謝謝

八年級 英語(四) 第 1 次平時考試是 到l2辣dp 聞仔細做,易得分 一、文意字十。(每題! 分,共10分) 1 A:How much are the CDs? B: They are NT$1,050int 1 terthan taking abus. BB: Yes, but it is more expensive. 9? The pants are not on saJe, but thec kk gave me a discount (折扣) 4 Jwantedacan ofcola, so Jgotone from the drinks筷 導 5 Hernew smartphone hasa6.5-inch (吋) & Its really big! Ma R 6 A: Remempberto putthe milk in ther B:OK,Twill 7 A: Jrs too Jate to go to the movies;b s iis raining now 蛻 B: Okay. Let's stay home and play computer games. 8 Sorry, Tdont havec honme. Do you take credit cards ( 信用卡)? 9 We Jistened to the news (新聞) on ther durjng the typhoon (魔風) night 玖 A: What did you do Jasf night? 捐: warcpedanreeg gowimhmy family 一、兄話悶細-(碌仇人分分 e ( ) 1 Helenhas more chitdren than Cynthia 3 (WWW has 0 was (@ does Dis ( ) 2 More girls liketo wearlong skirts than short this summer. wthose (。) % The green fanis (A) heavy (C) the heavy 了人 easy (C) very easy ( ) 5 Therewilbe___players on the team this year than last year (A) more; the team (C) more; there were ( ) 6 Aldidntdo his homework his homework home- wn fact (GO Usually ( “) 7 Yoursmartwatch is more 一 does it cost? (B) skirt (one 0 ones ofthetwo.- (B) heavier 0D the heavier than Lesson2 (B) much easier (Di the easier (主地1 (8B) many; there were (D) many; the players __,hedidnteven take (B) To set up D) By the way 多 light 員 large (0 useful faSt ( ) 8 Herearetwochairs. The larger chair is lighter th smaller Wone 0 it (C) ones ( ”) 9) Rebeccais prettier than im her class- (every gir (By any girls (0 allthe girls (0 all the other 三、依提示填入正確的形容詞形式。 (每題] 分,共9分 ,每格不限填一字) ] The pink flowers are 8Ife One5 Unit 1 The Gray Smartwatch 2年2班號 : ls Lighter than the 姓名: 才4 愛 了 : 5 White One 區天 (thin) than before 3 1is usualy _(hoD in August than in June 41i 記 (healthy) to eat vegetables (放菜 than to eat fried chicken 5 SuperJunior is im Japan 範 2321628 2 Look at you. You are (famous) in Taiwan than 6 Hereyesare 7 A:Thered caris B: Yes, but the blue caris even (bad) than her husband's (good) (good)- 8& A: How would you like your coffee? B: 關 (strong), the better. 、對話選擇。(每題2分,共4分 1 A: May Ihelp you? B: (A) Sure. Here you are- (B) Yes, everything is on sale. (0 Thanks for asking. Tm fine: (D) Yes。Can Itry on the shoes? 全 人放攀戰二條 B: In cash- ? (A) Whatare you looking for? (B) How would youlike to pay, sir2 (c) How much money do yoa neea? 0 whaesthe price ofthe CO puaye補 五、郭漏字悶斷(每晤2 分。碧12 分) 3 5 Gary: do you like living in fhe big city? 了 ; Nieele: Its betterthan living in 中e country 還many ways! : 半 Gary: In what ways? Nicole: Well iis more_2 _thanthe country- There is so much more to see and do! Gary: Yes, but the country life is more relaxing! Nieole: That's true. Living inthe country is not 3 imthe city That's agoodthing.。 Dontyou think s9? No,Idont. Is boring! Gary: Nicole: Gary: Well life in the country is_4 thaninthecity. its ting。 Ilike city life because is relaxing 令人放鬆的 be erazy about.. 熱衷於

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