

Dand about 4% have been extinct since 1950. Le Complete the summary. There are some unnecessary words. Lie an/ Summary Title )are dying out faster than in tho past. 1()Many linguists think that (1. ( )Almost 40% of languages are (2. One of the reasons why languages disappear is that people who speak th。 languages 2 Ld ) phenomena. die because of (3. ) cause the extinction of languages. ( ) Another reason is that (4. Today some people (5. away their own language because of technology 5 and the desire for material wealth. If a language dies, we believe that we lose the knowledge that the society has (6. 6 ) over time and diversity in the world. In language (7. へ the language and culture as possible. ), linguists try to record as much information about ird0 Sto In language (8. the language. ),a linguistic community takes an active role in saving 8 Efforts by learners, the elders, the government and linguists (9. to save languages from disappearing. ) us 9 Titles Words O 10 allow / approaches culture / eliminate endangered / gained languages / natural O Language Preservation O How Languages Rapidly Disappear © Loss of Speakers Causes Languages to Disappear O People Choose English over Their Language O Language Revitalization O People's Efforts Can Save Languages @ The Current Situation of the Languages の Humans Cause Languages to Disappear t iw d people / preservation revitalization/ throw O What Is Lost When Languages Disappear 1guage Extinction
コミュ英 英語


