

問題 1 1 選び, 記号で答えなさい。 (*のついた語には語注がある。) editorial column: A daily newspaper cannot publish for 200 years without things wrong. The most serious mistakes stem but from the editorial column 1.7 being gotten 1 get 2. ア only release: 3 12 3. ア who calls I who called に入る最も適切なものをア~オからそれぞれ1つ 4. ア be pardon I be pardoned being got 1 called Kathleen was put in prison for murder, 3 by the media as the 4 In a letter requesting Kathleen country's "most hated woman." released*, scientists say her children died of natural causes. and (The Washington Post, calling some 2 from the news pages ( The Guardian, —) never I not 1 pardoning. gone pardon I getting have gotten nonetheless without calling which pardons 0150610 7)
Millions of refugees' now live in southern Bangladesh 5 to the border with Myanmar. Daily life is dominated by the search for food and 6 with living conditions that are difficult and sometimes dangerous. (出典: UNICEF HP, 一部改変) 5. ア by far I close 6.ア refugee: run short I cope I 7. ア a number of イ moreover headed neighboring UNHCR : DRÃ¥#2 refugee athlete : 難民の競技者 8.7 having experience I becoming coping survive sport is UNHCR has created 'The Journey,' a video which shows more than just a leisure activity for refugee athletes *. For example, Rose Nathike Lokonyen, a South Sudanese refugee athlete, grew up in the refugee 8 violence in South Sudan. camp after in which + how 1 survived got neighborhood 3 met 7 (UN News, whoever fleeing ◇M2 (310-8)
Over the recent past, the world has witnessed, 9 the media, a rise in public anger against sexual harassment* 10 powerful men, harassing women at work in the entertainment industry, politics, and other fields. 注 sexual harassment: 性的いやがらせ 9. 7 although as it is in which I increase through 10. ア being (H: The International Labor Organization HP,-) 11. ア any イ 12. 7 provided threat 語注 UNICEF : 国連児童基金(ユニセフ) vaccine : ワクチン Major European airlines are 11 companies helping UNICEF* in its mission to deliver COVID-19 vaccines across the globe. The airline has flown millions of vaccines to destinations 12 Indonesia, Mali, and Togo. (The United Nations HP,-) by among including as soon as I only which I very done I wherever one by far
英文法 大学受験


✨ คำตอบที่ดีที่สุด ✨

1. エ getting  2. エ not
日刊紙は200年もの間、いくつかの間違いを犯さずに発行することはできない。 最も深刻な間違いは、ニュース面ではなく社説から生じている。
3. イ called 4. ア be pardoned
キャスリーンは殺人罪で刑務所に入れられ、メディアは「この国で最も嫌われた女性」 と呼んだ。キャスリーンの赦免と釈放を求める手紙の中で、科学者たちは、彼女の子供たちは自然死であったと述べている。
5. エ close 6. イ coping
7. オ how 8. ウ fleeing
国連難民高等弁務官事務所は、難民の競技者にとって、スポーツが単なるレジャー活動以上のものであることを示すビデオ「The Journey」を制作した。 例えば、南スーダンの難民競技者であるローズ・ナティケ・ロコニェンは、南スーダンの暴力を逃れて難民キャンプで育った。
9. オ through 10. ウ by
11. イ among 12. イ including


