

CUTTING EDGE 1-05 絶滅危惧種の選定 Have you ever heard of the "quagga"? Perhaps not, but you may have seen a zebra before. (1)The zebra is a horse-like animal with 形M distinctive black and white stripes covering its body. The quagga was a member of the zebra family, brownish in colour with white stripes FOS around the neck and the front part of the body. (2)It is often said that quagga looked like "zebra which had forgotten to put on their pajama trousers." Quaggas lived in Southern Africa, but they died out in the 19th century due to overhunting. We can now only see their wild beauty as 3stuffed specimens. Some researchers, however, have tried to "revive" the quagga. Because of its attractive stripe pattern, the quagga has gathered much attention from those interested in animal conservation. Those who would like to see the animals walk around the savannas again have conducted the Quagga Project for over thirty years in South Africa. Fas 模様のない (3)It turns out that the quagga is genetically close to the plains zebra. In this project, researchers have attempted to selectively breed plains zebras: they chose plains zebras which have fewer stripes and look slightly like quaggas. Baby zebras born to a slightly quagga- like mother and father may look more like the quagga, with a 13 significantly reduced number of stripes. (4)This project has achieved a certain level of success, producing several lovely baby zebras which have striking similarities [to ] the quagga. . However, should we be happy about this? (5)While this new generation of zebras is visually impressive, it only resembles [X]
the quagga in appearance. genetically different from quaggas. (7) The more we look at these young, cute, quagga-like zebras, the more we are forced to face the sad truth A. that the quagga died out because of our ⑩abuse of nature. Does this project help restore nature to its original state? Or is it just for the self- satisfaction of I guilt-ridden human beings ? AS (8) Furthermore, it is 18 notable that people are interested in TOS quaggas because they are beautiful in appearance. (9)It is said that good-looking endangered animals tend to attract attention and money from people, but that plain-looking endangered animals are often (19 ignored. (10) This suggests that human beings are biased towards beauty and @ugliness even when it comes to environmental causes. 1700 ①形 独特な ④名標本、見本 ⑦他 〜を行う ⑩ 副 選択的に ⑩3 副 14 副 著しく、かなり ⑩6名 16% 乱用 19 他 ~を無視する (1) (6) (2) (7) 氏名」 得点 Foc (6) The fact is that these zebras are ②熟 絶滅する ⑤形 魅力的な ⑧副 遺伝子的に ①他~を繁殖させる 12 副 視覚的に ⑩5 他 ⑩形 罪の意識に苦しむ 18形 ②0名 醜さ (3) (8) ③形剥製の ⑥名 保護 ⑨他 (4) (9) ~を試みる わずかに、少し ~に似ている 注目に値する (5) (10)
重要事項 THAT 名詞 S 名詞 C a that SV (0) 4 名詞 A ^ 名詞0 . 形容詞 M ↓ that SVO 先行 副詞 M 同格 強調構文 It is A that SV A : 形容詞 名詞 S A: 副詞 A:名詞 名詞 S A:名詞 強調構文 WHATI 疑問詞 な 関係詞 AS 接続詞 - とき もの・こと つれて 【名S・名O・名C・名A形MM強調】 It is certain that she has remarkable ability. 彼女にすごい才能があるのは確かだ。 I think that you are wrong. 君は間違っていると思います。 The problem is that I don't have enough time to do it. 問題は、私にはそれをするのに十分な時間がないということだ。 He has hidden the fact that he is married. 彼は自分が結婚しているという事実を隠してきた。 Man is the only animal that can use fire. (主格) 人間は火を使える唯一の動物である。 This is the letter that I received just now. これが私がつい先ほど受け取った手紙です。 I was so hungry that Ⅰ could not take a step. 私はとてもおなかが空いていたので、 1歩も歩けなかった。 (目的格) It is too bad that the trip was canceled. 旅行が中止になったのは残念である。 It was yesterday that he dropped by my house. 彼女が私の家に寄ったのは昨日でした。 It's a pity that the trip was canceled. 旅行が中止になったのは残念でした。 that 節が完全 It is my son's safety that I'm worrying about. that 節内が不完全 私が心配しているのは息子の安全です。 (safety は about の O) 【疑問詞 関係詞】 Could you tell me what this phrase means? この語句がどういう意味か教えてくれませんか。 Choose what you think is best for the party. パーティーに一番ふさわしいと思うものを選びなさい。 【接続詞 前置詞・副詞・関係詞】 He arrived just as I was leaving. ちょうど私が出かけようとしたときに彼が着いた。 As we grow older, our vision becomes weaker. 人は年をとるにつれて視力が衰える。 ・ように 比べて .ので 前置詞 副詞 関係詞 --- ING| 名詞(S) 名詞 (0) 名詞(C) 形容詞 (C) 名詞 「氏名」 As you know, I'm leaving tomorrow. ご存じのように、 私は明日たつ予定です。 He is almost as good at skiing as I (am). 彼は私と比べて同じ位スキーが上手だ。 As he cannot drive, he must go by bus. 彼は車が運転できないのでバスで行かなければならない。 He is famous as a magician. 形容詞 (M) 副詞 (M) 彼はマジシャンとして有名だ。 He is almost as good at skiing as I (am). 彼は私と比べて同じ位スキーが上手だ。 (M) 得点 Do not read such books as you do not understand. 理解できないような本を読んではいけません。 This is the same watch as I lost. これは私がなくしたのと同じような時計だ。 As is usual with him, he was late for school that day. 彼には普通のことだが、その日も学校に遅刻した。 【名詞 S・名詞・名詞C・形容詞 C 形容詞 M・副詞】 Keeping good hours is good for your health. 早寝早起きをすることは健康によい。 She is afraid of her son ('s) having an accident. 彼女は息子が事故を起こすことを恐れている。 My father's hobby is taking pictures. 父の趣味は写真を撮ることです。 I saw someone crying in the park. 私は誰かが公園で泣いているのを見た Look at the girl crying in the park. その泣いている女の子を見なさい。 He was lying on the bed, listening to the music. その音楽を聴きながら、 彼はベッドに横になっていた。 Not feeling very well, he went to bed early. あまり気分がすぐれなかったので、 彼は早く寝た。 a sleeping cat. (= a cat which is sleeping) 寝ている猫 a sleeping car. (= a car for sleeping) 寝台車 (寝るための車 )



