


EXERCISES に,( )内の語句を適当な形に直して入れなさい. 1 文 もし彼らがここにいたら、そのニュースに増ください。 1) If they were 2) If I had more money, I might buy here, they would be surprised at the news. (be) a new tennis racket. (may buy) a computer, you could finish this job in a day. (use) Henry more often if I lived in Tokyo. (can meet) would sing it with you. (will sing) 3) If you_used could meet 4) I 5) If I knew that song, I wo に、()内の語句を適当な形に直して入れなさい. ②2 各文の 1) If I had run, I could caught had 2) If the weather 3)If you had shown her this picture, she would believed 4) If I had not studied had taken 5) If Steve the first train. (can catch) fine last Sunday, we would have gone camping. (be) yesterday, I would have failed the exam. my advice then, he might be well now. 3 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい . 1)ここにもう少し長くいられればいいのに. I wish I could 1080 more time to talk with you ⑤ 日本文の意味に合うように( )内に適語を入れなさい. 1) もし今晩忙しくなければ, あなたを手伝うことができるのに. ) ( not If I ( were )busy this evening, I 2) もしあのとき地図を持っていたら, 道に迷わなかったのに. ) ( ) ( not If we had had a map then, we (would 3)もしもっと早くこの薬を飲んでいたら、君は今ごろ元気だろうに. If you had ( be :) ( taken )( stay) here longer. 2) あのときあなたとお話しする時間がもっとあればよかったのですが. CELO I wish I had ) ( 3) 昨日そんなにたくさんお金を使わなければよかった. DEN US ) ( not I wish I had ) so much money yesterday. )( spent ④4 a.の状況に合うように, b. の( )内に適語を入れて仮定法の文を完成させなさい. 1) a. I don't have enough time, so I can't visit Kiyomizu Temple. b. If I ( was ) enough time, I ( cought visit Kiyomizu Temple. 2) a. We practiced hard, so we won the finals. ) fine now. 4) グランドキャニオンの写真を撮っておけばよかったのですが. I( wish ) I ( had )(taken could your story. (will believe) (not study) (take) § 2 b. If we (hd) practiced hard, we wouldn't (have) (won 3) a. I'm sorry I didn't buy a ticket for the concert. b. I ( wish ) I ( had ) ( bought )a ticket for the concert. →S3 Iti (3 hare in moriW then. FERE ) the finals. jol bluoda od He ) help you. ) this medicine earlier, you (would ) our way. ) pictures of the Grand Canyon.


✨ คำตอบที่ดีที่สุด ✨

① 仮定法過去
1) 〇
2) 〇
3) 〇
4) 〇
5) 〇
② 仮定法過去完了
1) could caught → could have caught
2) had → had been
3) would believe → would have believed
4) 〇
5) 〇 ※仮定法過去完了+仮定法過去:「時差のある」仮定法

1) 〇
2) I wish I [(had) (had)] more time to talk with you then. <仮定法過去完了>
3) 〇

1) was → had
2) had → hadn't もし一生懸命に練習していなかったら、私達は決勝戦で勝たなかったでしょう。
3) 〇

1) 〇
2) If I [had had] a map then, we [(wouldn't) (have) (lost)] our way. <仮定法過去完了>
3) 〇
4) 〇


