

Circle the correct answer 1. Do you like......... a. Traveling b. travel 2. "Do you like..... 3. "Do you a. Watched b. watching 5. "Do you like 13. a. like b. liked c. likes a. Spending 6. How 4. "Do you like ................... to bed early?" a. Going b. goes c. go a. Many 7. "How often do you on a plane?" c. traveled baseball on TV?" c. watch skiing or snowboarding?" Topic-5 Exercise a. changed 8. "How often do you.......... a. Helped 9. "How often do you "Do you b. spend c. spends do you exercise?" b. often c. much a. Want 10. "How often do you a. Need b. needed 11. "Do you want me to a. Picked b. pick "Do you want me to 12. a. Fix b. fixing b. changing time with me?" a. Listened b. listening b. helps c. helping your password?" c. changes out at school?" to your MP3 player?" c. listen c. needing to go to the dentist?" c. picking c. fixed c. has up the kids?" your flat tire?" me to help you read that book?" c. wanting b. wanted 14. What do you think about a. Having b. have 15. "What do you think about a. Working b. work c. worked 16. "What do you think about.................…... a. Wait b. waited c. waiting a cup of tea with me?" overtime next week?" in line for tickets?"
Circle the correct answer 1. "It's going to be a. Do b. delicious c. love 2. "It's................ be easy." a. Gonna b. want Topic-6 Exercise 3. "It's gonna be a. Depressing b. depressed c. depress 4. "It's going to be 6. That's a. Exciting b. excited c. excite 5. "It's................... to be disgusting." a. Going b. goes c. went 11. c. need "1 12. a. Why b. what 7. "That's why she so happy." a. Appears b. appeared c. appearing 8. "That's why babies crawl before they can a. Walk b. walked c. walking 9. "That's why Pam.............. a. Cries b. cry c. cried 10. "That's why you fail to .. a. Understand b. understood It's time to.....................goodbye." c. saying a. Say b. said "It's time to. a. Ask b. asked people admire you." c. how **** at sad movies." c. understanding for a raise." c. asking 13. "It's time to .......... our money." a. Collected b. collecting c. collect 14. "It's time to ................... for our team." a. Cheer b. cheering c. cheered 15. "It's time to .................... the clocks." a. Change b. changed c. changing


