

F UXIT How many hours of sleep did you get last night? For years, scientists have tried to work out how long we should sleep to help our bodies and minds to function best. In 1951, two researchers at the University of Chicago made a breakthrough by identifying an important stage of sleep called REM sleep. 5 REM is an abbreviation for Rapid Eye Movement and the name comes from 由来する。 AFG the very fast movement of the eyes during sleep. In REM sleep, the brain is active but the body is asleep. When a person is having dreams they are often in REM sleep. During this time, the eyes might move quickly in reaction to something seen in a dream. Someone in REM 10 sleep may wake up suddenly to a noise and be able to remember the dream in detail. ju While REM sleep is known as the body's sleep, non-REM sleep is known as ryhmis the mind's sleep. During non-REM sleep, the brain relaxes while the body produces growth hormones so it can recover. About 80 percent of sleep is lat 15 non-REM sleep. If you sleep for seven to eight hours a night, only about one and a half hours are spent in REM sleep. In one night, a person will continue to repeat a cycle of both REM and non-REM sleep, which lasts about 90 NEXU prinsteil minutes. HO Many people will repeat about five cycles each night to help them function 4 people 20 best. However, other people may need to repeat (fewer or more cycles. Interestingly, while Leonardo Da Vinci only slept for about 90 minutes per おりりない day, Einstein needed ten hours of sleep. Still, both of them became famous 海 for their artistic and scientific achieveme achievements. Perhaps they were getting just the right amount of rest for their bodies and minds(aby) 116 for their artistic and scientific の 95. godinu b many more most bady brain nch



昨夜、あなたは何時間眠りましたか?何年もの間、科学者たちは私たちの体と心が最もよく機能するのを助けるためには、私たちがどれくらい眠るべきかを考え出そうとしてきました。1951年、シカゴ大学の2人の研究者は、レム睡眠と呼ばれる睡眠の重要な段階を特定することによって画期的な成果を上げました。REMはRapid Eye Movementの略語で、その名称は睡眠中の目の動きが非常に速いことに由来します。





