

次の英文を読んで、 (1)~(6)内に入る最も適切な語 (句) をア~オの中から一つずつ選 び、記号で答えなさい。 問3 We often think it is natural that we live. You may not really notice the value of life until ( 1 ) comesknocking on your door. When I was about two years old. I almost died. I don't really remember much about it except for what my mom told me. It was a hot summer day, and everybody went outside to enjoy the weather. My sister and her friend jumped into our backyard pool to cool off. I just stood ( 2 ) the pool because I did not know how to swim yet. My mom always watched all of uS very そ closely, but just for a minute, she walked over to the side of the yard to talk to my dad. She told my sister to watch me, but my sister was busy( 3 ) with her friend. Before anyone knew it, I fell into the pool. I was ( 4 ) heard me fall in. There was almost no splash. (5) happened next was amazing. My mom says she felt someone touch her shoulder, but when she turned around no one was there. She looked around and saw me in the pool, kicking and waving my arms in the air. I was trying to keep my head above the water. She jumped in and pulled me out. Luckily, I was okay. She held me tightly in her arms. She was so relieved that I was all right. All of this happened in less than a minute. It shows how precious life really is and how it ( 6 ) intheblink of an eye. No one really knows why my mom turned around. To this day, she thinks that it was my guardian angel tapping her on the shoulder. ア dead イ die ウ) death エ life オ live アin イ up ウ for エby オ with (ア)having fun イ to have fun ウ to be funny エ taking care オ to take care (アhttle enough to be イ so little that no one ウ too little to エ as little as any オ very little so someone ア Then イ It ウ It was エ What was オWhat アran be lost ウ 1oses イ can lose エ must lose オ must be lost


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I was (little enough to be) heard me fall in. となり、
かっこの部分が heard me fall in につながりません。

I was (so little that no one) heard me fall in.





