


たo/@V@/ YOu/9 Over the 1ast 200 years, people have begun fo Hive longer. and longer. This trend began in the more economically developed countries。and for some time there was a growing gap_between the_average_length of life in rich countries and poor countries/Oyer the past few decades、 however, many Door countries have also made improvements and they are now close to catching up With the wealthier ones. As a result。 every year there js a growing number of older people in countries all over the World. It is a good thing that people are living longer, but it does have some df折cult aspects. One of these is that more and more people are suffering 所orn diseases aSSociated with getting older. The number of cases of high blood pressure, heart disease。 cancer。 and other illnesses is increasing/ m Australia, for instance, 2 Tecent rcpomt said fhat people, on average, live 25 years longer than they did a hundred ) ow。 there RY more people suffering from serious illnesses/One coi have to spend more and more on medical care for o Many governments have begun to promote as losing weight and exercising regularly, Sa as fhe body gets older, even people who have Recently, research has begun to show that 人 older. When DNA breaks down, inmportant inform lost. Eventually, serious illnesses may occuki 舞 However。 David Sinclair。a TeSe の Australia、is working on a way 0 nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) IMice that Were given NMNb that the chemical was effctive _make a medicine_for_hummans. healthier liVes.
What has happened in the past few decades? There has been an increase in the gap between how much money rich and oor countries have. 2 The length of jife in rich countries has become longer than that in poor countries. S Wealthy countries have begun helping poor countries to pay for healthcare. MD" people living in developing countries are dying young.


第一パラグラフ全体を読みとり、3行目最後から4行目にOver the past few decadesの文です。



