

②③25分 Reading _ 時 The Internet can be a lot of fnn、 We post information, ld。 Sometimes, a large number of comments, and photos. 閣ブ3 We share these with friends, classmates or the worl mments about them on people view these posts in a very Short tme, and then poSt Co the Internet. This is called 'Q going viral.′ At best, these DoStS Can be kind, funny, or helpful. At worst, they can hurt people's feelings.、These bad posts can CauSe 4 SeriouS 5 | problem called ez7o in Japanese. Here are two exarnDles: 中4 In Japan, 。 Young man posted a photo on yitter It showed him in his family's | Convenience store's freezer The post Went viral and received many bad commentS. | People who read these began to think that his family's store Was not good and as a result his ねmily lost business. Im another Twitter photo, people could see that a young 10 | man Was sitting on the bread used for hamburgers in a reStaurant. This also went viral and many bad comments Were posted. The restaurant oOWner WaS Very 4ngry with the young Tman. 中Z5 eSocial media sites like Twitter and Instagram are becorning more and more popular More people, especially Young people, are uploading personal information and is photos. However the information on social media is public. We should remember this and be very careful.f we aren t, we wil cause Serious proDlems for ourselves and our families. (229 words) freezer : 冷凍庫 eeee post : (動)インターネットに情報を投稿する (名)インターネットの投稿メッセージ upload : (データ)をアップロードする |



