

英語 高校生

2パラグラフ目の和訳の、 可能性が30~50%あるかもしれないというので の、ので、が英文中のどこからきたのかわかりません、、訳していく中で自然とそうなるんですかね?

テーマ 専門性★☆★ 英文レベル★★★☆ 24 ヘルシンキ宣言 英文 ①② つなぎ方 11 The ultimate ethical standard among the medical profession demands that the physician use every means possible to cure the patient's illness-but does this apply in a clinical trial, which is understood to be experimental, not treatment? In a clinical trial, tension 5 exists at the beginning between gaining knowledge that can be used in the longer term to benefit the public health, and the basic right of the patient to receive treatment. 12 For the scientific profession, the últimate standard is to produce results that withstand scrutiny. For physicians and researchers, the 'gold 10 standard' in testing new drugs is a placebo-controlled study* in which some of the patients receive no treatment at all. These standards present an ethical dilemma as drug-approval agencies tend to lean toward the Kneed for clear scientific data, which is best gained when a drug is tested against a control, or placebo. Furthermore, it becomes harder to 15 convince patients in First World countries to participate in drug trials when there may be a 30-50% chance of receiving only a sugar pill instead of a helpful medicine.

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

4の書き換えがよく分かりません。 教えてください🙇‍♀️

man for (1) a onnectedness is, in fact, a virtue bothered. If the clerk always wants to chat ates should be prohibited at a gift makes a (2A). The French anthropologist Claude where. I just want a hacksaw blade. ss tells of Léx (3) seemingly trivial ceremony during a meal in cheap rants in France. The guests sit at a long, *communal table, and each pour bottle of wine before his plate. Before the meal begins, a man will e not into his own glass but into his neighbor's. And his neighbor will the gesture, filling the first man's empty glass. In an economic sense has happened. (4) No one has any more wine than he had originally. ety has appeared where there was none before. The French tend to trangers, but in these little restaurants, strangers find themselves (5) close relationship for an hour or more. "A conflict exists," says Lévi- "not very keen, but real enough to create a state of tension between of privacy and the fact of community. ... This is the temporary but ituation resolved by the exchange of wine. It is an * assertion of which does away with the mutual *uncertainty." Just sitting at the becomes social life through an exchange of gifts. Further, the the wine allows another exchange - ( 2C ). dware store: 金物店 munal: 共用の hacksaw: (金属を切るために用いる) 弓のこ uncertainty: 半信半疑 assertion: 表明

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生

3. 問4 この回答だと10点満点だとしたら何点くらいでしょうか? 問5どう考えたら解説のようにnew methodsを2つのかたまりが修飾しているとわかるのですか?

30 methods. Only the larger landowners can afford to make the necessary investments for maximum production of the new grains. With their profits, the large landowners then buy land from the smaller farmers. This way, the large landowners become ever richer and the number of landless poor people increases. Social tensions naturally increase in this situation. 35 Clearly, it is time to question the methods of the Green Revolution. Governments and farmers_need to look at the overall picture and long-term effects. (s They need to find new methods that will better meet the needs of the world's hungry people and that will also be less harmful. Vi (注) fertilizer : 肥料 insecticide : 殺虫剤 (神戸学院大) 問1 空所( 1 ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、次のア~エから1つ選びなさ Po =取り除く 遅れず遭いて行く 7. get rid of イ. run out of keep up with J. come up with 問2 空所(2a)~( 2d)に入れるのに最も適当なものを、次のア~エからそれ ぞれ1つずつ選びなさい。 ただし,文頭にくるべき語も小文字で始められてい る。 ア. social and political conflict イ. the nature of the chemicals that farmers have used 195 ウ. the_expense of the new farming methods 費用 エ. soil_erosion 下線部(3)の語(句) を文意が通るように並べ換えなさい。 下線部(4) の内容を50字以内の日本語で述べなさい。 下線部(5) を日本語に訳しなさい。 英文のタイトルとして最も適当なものを、次のア~エから1つ選びなさい。 Environmental effects of the “Green Revolution” Increase in food production through the “Green Revolution" Some negative aspects of the “Green Revolution" エ. Success of the “Green Revolution" 1. (a)7. () I (e)t leadp (24) ア 問3 問4 問5 問6 3. the grain people used to grow 間、新しい作物に移して得た不必大きなさの 所有者がさな農場の土地を買うこと。 8 ・間5.西府と農家は世界中の空腹な人々の需要を満たす より良い、新しい方法を見つけ、害を少なくしていく必要がある

未解決 回答数: 1