

数学 高校生


TOMAC C2-38 (386) 第5章 複素数平 Think 例題 C2.19 方程式の解 (1) 方程式 2=1 を解け (2)883の4乗根を求めて、複素数平面上に図示せよ。 [考え方 α(複素数)の解を求めるには、αを極形式で表しを極形式 z=r(cos0+isin 0) (r>0) とおく。 2はドモアブルの定理を利用する. 両辺の絶対値と偏角を比較する. (2)883iのすべての解が8+8√3i の4乗根である。 (1)=r(cos0+isin0)(r>0,0≦6<2z) とおくと 2°=r(cos60+isin 60) 解答 また, 1=cos0+isin0 2 =1であるから, **** ↑極形式で表す時の決まりみたいなも 0.2.4... 両辺を 極形式で 比較 絶対値 r(cos60+isin60)=cos0+isin 0 両辺の絶対値と偏角を比較して, r=1 r>0より。 r=1 比較 60=2xk (kは整数) より 0=xk 3 偏数 3 ここで、002、すなわち,0≦x<2であるから、これを満たす kの値は, k= 0, 1,2,3,4,5 したがって、2=1の解は、z=1-{cos(nxk)+isin(xk)} と表せるの で,求める解は, + 0 =1200 k=0 のとき zo=cos0+isin0=1sin k=1のとき, Z₁=cos+isin n_13 + -i 3 2 2 k=2のとき, +2 [2]]] 22=cos+isin-=- 3 1-2 √3. + i 2 k=3のとき,z3=cos+isinz=-1 k=4 のとき, 4 z4=cosgrtisingn= 4 [32 12 √3 k=5のとき, よって, 土 -i, 100円 2 24=-8+8 (2) 比較 絶対感 25=COSπtisin π= 1v3 z=±1, 8+8√3iの4乗根を z= (coso+isin) (r>0,0≦02) とおくと、 ź^=y(cos40 + isin40)=18+8 1001 010 8+8/3i=16/cos/3rtisin/27) であり2=-8+8/3i であるから、 r(cos40+isin40)=16(cos / n+isin / 27 ) 両辺の絶対値と偏角を比較して,r=16 r>0より, r=2 5 5 13 √3. -i 31 2 2 sino. + -i √3 2 2 それ (T) BS OP (S)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

最後の文のwhat value is B(smellが入ります)の文構造を教えて頂きたいです。よろしくお願いします。

they can s example, follow coastlines and thr When they get very close 4 Mont to where they want to be, many use their sense of smell. anger as Homing pigeons give a clue to this. ("Homing" is not the same as migration. It suggests that pigeons can find their way home when taken by train or truck to some far-distant place and then released. But homing surely has some of the same mechanisms; migration does, and so can give clues to how it works.) It seems that as pigeons get fairly close to their home, they first pick up general smells that tell of bird dwellings-perhaps the general tempting stink of ammonia. As they get nearer, the smells become more specifically pigeon-like. Finally, as they get very close, they recognize the very particular odor of their own flock in its own space. More and more evidence is revealing that humans, too, have a wonderful awareness of odor, even if they do not consciously recognize it, such that they find particular men or women attractive or disgusting according to their primitive substances such as sweat no doubt a cooling thought for human beings have risen above such things. We do not those who like to suppose that (2) normally think of birds as creatures that attach importance to smell, but many of them 。 do, in many contexts. 112055見る形 137. ho doubt, but なるほしだが、 But what use are A clues when a bird is above some apparently boundless ocean? What value is (B) when it is a thousand miles from where it wants to be? What else is there? O is value. air force, havy, army. doy and the moon

解決済み 回答数: 1
数学 高校生

マーカーのところの式変形で、なにかの公式を使っていて、途中式もなく計算できているんですか? それとも途中式を省略しているだけですか?公式を使っているならその公式を知りたいです🙇‍♂️

結閉 たい。 みん 基本 例題 261 媒介変数表示の曲線と面積 (1) 介変数によって, x=4cost, y=sin2t 囲まれた部分の面積Sを求めよ。 431 ①①① (0≦ts) と表される曲線とx軸で 重要 190 重要 262 > 媒介変数を消去してy=F(x) の形に表すこともできるが、計算は面倒になる。 そこでx=f(t), y=g(t) のまま, 面積Sを置換積分法で求める ① 曲線とx軸の交点のx座標(y= 0 となるtの値を求める。 ①の変化に伴う、xの値の変化や」の符号を調べる。→微分して、増減表 ③面積を定積分で表す。 計算の際は,次の置換積分法を用いる。 s=Sydx=Sg(t)f(t)dta=f(a), b=f(8) 8章 38 面 積 dx == -4 sint dt dx=-4sintdt 解答 ① の範囲で y=0 となるtの値は t=0, π 検討 2 2 また、①の範囲においては, 常に y≧0 である。 x=4costから よって 0-1 120 xtの対応は次の通り。 0 2 x 4 → 0 点がPであるか y=sin 2t から また,Ostsでは20で π t 0 π 4 =2cos2tであり, 2 dx あるから, 曲線はx軸の上側 の部分にある。 dt 0 - dt ☐ t=- =0 とすると xC 4 dt ゆえに、右のような表が得 dy + + + + 2√2 0 0 - られる ( は減少 は増 dt 加を表す) * ) y 0 7 K 1 1 0 。 よってS=Soydx 外して整理するど 面積の計算では、積分区間・ 上下関係がわかればよいか ら、増減表や概形をかかなく ても面積を求めることはでき る。 しかし、概形を調べない と面積が求められない問題も あるので, そのときは左のよ うにして調べる。 = S sin sin 2t (-4sint)dt として、 (*) 重要例題190 のように ↑,↓ を用いて表 1 (t=0) してもよい。 =4 sin2tsintdt の点の」 0 2/2 4 x =8f sintcostdt 1b12051nia0-11-200 Day = 0 sint(sint)' dt まれた Sを

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

英語の長文です 文法表現があるところが知りたいです!

UNIT 5 Reading Passage 5 10 15 20 20 25 Listening There is a saying in France that states: "The government could fall, the Louvre¹ could be broken into, or aliens could land on Earth, but if any of these things happened during the Tour de France, no one would notice." The Tour de France is the most famous cycling race in the world. The which is held in July every year, consists of twenty one-day stages, plus several rest days. The course follows a clockwise route around France, and often neighboring countries, including Luxembourg, Belgium, and Italy. The winner is the rider who completes all twenty stages of the race in the shortest overall time. race, The Tour de France first started on July 1, 1903, when sixty cyclists left from in front of The Alarm Clock Café, just outside of Paris, and rode 467 kilometers to Lyon. The first race consisted of six legs, each of which was about 400 kilometers long. At that time, there were no rest days the winner was the rider who finished the race in the shortest total time. The winner of the first Tour de France, Maurice Garin, the most popular cyclist in France at that time, received 2,000 francs (about $350). It took him 94 hours and 33 minutes to ride all 2,428 kilometers of the race, three hours faster than the runner-up.² Over the weeks during which the race was run, the idea of the Tour de France slowly caught on with the people of France. The race has been held every year since that time, except during the years of World Wars I and II.³ The Tour de France has developed several special honors for which racers compete. The highest honor is the "yellow jersey." Henri Desgranges, the founder of the race, introduced the yellow jersey in 1919 to show the leading racer each day of the Tour de France. Each day, the officials who keep track of all of the riders' times compare each rider's total time up to that point. The racer with the lowest overall time wears the yellow jersey during the following day's race. Other honors include the "green jersey," which is given to the best sprinter, and the "polka dot jersey," a white jersey with red dots, for the best rider in the mountains along the route. Over the years of the race, the competitors have gained a reputation for good sportsmanship. For example, if a lead rider falls off his bike, it is common for the following riders to slow down to allow the fallen rider to catch up. Some watchers are surprised by this, but as German rider Jan Ullrich, who came in runner-up in 2002 after waiting for winner Lance Armstrong, says, "Of course I would wait. If I would have won this race by taking advantage of someone's bad luck, then the race was not worth winning." 1 the Louvre a famous museum in Paris 2 runner-up someone who comes second in a race or other competition 3 World Wars I and II 1914-1918 and 1939 - 1945 abent ages

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