

英語 高校生

助動詞の問題です。 合っているか確認して頂きたいです。m(_ _)m

1 各文の( 内から最も適当な語句を選びなさい. (1) His car isn't in the garage. He (oughtn't, Cannot, needn't) be (1) home now. (2) We have to, need not, may not) hurry. There's plenty of time. (3) There (was, used to, would) be a movie theater around here. (4) You (can, need, will) use my bicycle if you are in a hurry. (5) I don't recognize her. She (will, can't, (must) be new. (6) It's cold. (Shall I, Shall we, Will you) close the windows ? - Yes, let's. (7) You will (able to, be able to, can) make a dunk shot some day. (7) 2 日本文の意味に合うように( に適当な語を入れなさい . (1) 学生は校則を守るべきだ. Students (ought)(to ) observe the school regulations. (2) 何度も試してみたが、 あのコピー機はどうしても動かなかった. That copy machine (couldnt ) work though I tried it many partner. times. (3) 君が彼に腹を立てるのももっともだ. You (may ) ( well ) be angry with him. (4) 学生時代、私たちはよく将来の夢について語ったものだ. We (would ) often talk about our future dreams in our school days. (5) 今朝は道路がぬれている. 昨夜、雨が降ったにちがいない. The roads are wet this morning. It (must ) (have ) (raíned) last night. (6) 生涯の伴侶を選ぶときはいくら注意してもしすぎることはない. You (cannot) be (to 3 ( )に適当な語を入れ, 対話文を完成させなさい. (1)A:Must I sign my name on this form ? B:No, you (don4 )( have (2) A: (Shall ) ( to ). ) massage your shoulders? )(2 B: Yes, please. They're stiff. (2) (3) ) careful in choosing your life (3) A : (Must ) B:No, you mustn't. The sign says “Staff Only." (4) (5) (6) ) I enter the room? (1 (2

解決済み 回答数: 1