

英語 高校生

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I 次の英単語で最も強く発音する部分(第一アクセント) を、 それぞれ記号 (ア~オ) で答えなさい。 1. ev-i-dence 2. vol-un-teer 3. con-sid-er 4. for eigner 5. ma-jor-i-ty アイウ アイウ アイウ アイウ アイウエ Ⅱ 次の英文を読み、 設問に答えなさい。 (*のついた語(句)には下に注あり) AJapanese people, in general, really enjoy their baths, whether at home or visiting one of the country's "numerous hot springs or public bath houses. Bathing, for most Japanese, is an *integral part of their daily routine. It is *customary to clean yourself by pouring water on your body (①) stepping into a bath. In fact, the Japanese bathroom - both private and public - is designed around this practice, and space is provided next to the bathtub where people can *rinse themselves off. Bathtubs are even "*reheatable" so (2) the water can maintain a comfortable temperature for several hours. Moreover, it is not uncommon for family members to enjoy the same bathwater one after another. So it may surprise me Japanese to find out that for many @foreigners, bathing is considered a *luxury. In America, for example, the Dmajority of people prefer to take a shower, mainly because it requires less time and uses less water. Bathing is often considered a leisure activity, a time for soaking in a bubble bath (③) enjoying some peace and quiet, *Communal bathing is mostly unheard of. Going to public baths like those at a Japanese hot spring would be considered *exotic. In some other countries, particularly in Central and South America, many homes don't even have bathtubs, *opting instead for *shower stalls or *cubicles. B Because (④) the hot climate, many people take cold showers to cool themselves off. Even after having spent much time in Japan, I still find that public baths, especially those in ©traditional Japanese *inns, *retain a sense of the exotic. At home, though I can appreciate the appeal of relaxing in a dwarm tub, my *hectic schedule and the rising cost of utilities still make a shower much more sensible. (注) in general: 一般に numerous: 数多くの integral: 必須の customary: 習慣の rinse off: 洗い流す reheatable: 再加熱できる luxury: 贅沢なもの communal: 共同の exotic: 珍しい opt: 選ぶ shower stall: シャワー室 cubicle: 小部屋 inn : 旅館 retain: 保持する hectic: たいへん忙しい 1. 本文中の ) ①~④に入れるのに最も適した語をそれぞれ一つずつ選び、その記号で答えなさい。 ①(イon 口 and ハbefore = where) ② (イthat 口 such ハ since = after) 3(between ロ among ハ without = while) ④ (イwith 口 of ハ for = in) 2. 下線部の形容詞形 ⓑの反意語の名詞形、⑩の名詞形(~ing 形は不可)をそれぞれ書きなさい。 3. 下線部AとBを日本語に訳しなさい。 4. 以下の日本文ア~オの中から本文の内容と一致するものを2つ選び、 それぞれ記号で答えなさい。 ア 世界のどこの国でも、 お風呂に入るのが嫌いな人はいない。 イ 浴槽のお湯を何度でも暖められるようになっているのは、 日本でしかみられない仕組みだ。 ウ アメリカでは、主に時間と水の節約のために、シャワーを使う人が多い。 中南米では、浴槽のない家が多い。 オ 日本のお風呂を経験した外国人は、自国に帰っても日本式の入浴を楽しむことが多い。

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