

理科 中学生


6 理科室でモノコードを使って、音についての [実験] を行った。次の問いに答えなさい。 [実験] 1 図1のようにモノコードの弦のPをある強さではじき, マイクロフォンで音をひろい, オシロスコープの波形を見た。図2は、このときのオシロスコープの波形を示したもので ある。ただし,PはことじとYの間の点とする。 ② ことじをXやYの方に移動させてPで弦をはじき,波形のようすを調べた。 MODA I USA O 図2 ア ことじ 弦 マイクロフォン (1) 音を発生させたとき,モノコードの振動をマイクロフォンに伝えたものは何か。 (2) 音のように物体が振動することで生じ、その振動が次々に伝わる現象を何というか。 (3) 音の振動について説明した次の文が正しいものになるように(ア ),( イ )に当てはま る言葉を書け。 AAA 0.0005秒 1秒間に音源が振動する回数を(ア)といい,その値の単位はHz,読み方は(イ) で表す。 (4) [実験]②で図1のモノコードのことじをY側に動かして,Pを①と同じ強さではじいた。こ のときの波形として最も適するものを,次のア~エから1つ選べ。 ただし, ア~エの目盛は図2 と同じものとする。 (UK) & I ASEROSIR (5) 図2の音の振動数は何Hzか。 ただし、横軸の1目盛りは0.0005秒を表している。 小数第1位 を四捨五入して整数で求めよ。いつ 0 333Hz

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

3. 問4 この回答だと10点満点だとしたら何点くらいでしょうか? 問5どう考えたら解説のようにnew methodsを2つのかたまりが修飾しているとわかるのですか?

30 methods. Only the larger landowners can afford to make the necessary investments for maximum production of the new grains. With their profits, the large landowners then buy land from the smaller farmers. This way, the large landowners become ever richer and the number of landless poor people increases. Social tensions naturally increase in this situation. 35 Clearly, it is time to question the methods of the Green Revolution. Governments and farmers_need to look at the overall picture and long-term effects. (s They need to find new methods that will better meet the needs of the world's hungry people and that will also be less harmful. Vi (注) fertilizer : 肥料 insecticide : 殺虫剤 (神戸学院大) 問1 空所( 1 ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、次のア~エから1つ選びなさ Po =取り除く 遅れず遭いて行く 7. get rid of イ. run out of keep up with J. come up with 問2 空所(2a)~( 2d)に入れるのに最も適当なものを、次のア~エからそれ ぞれ1つずつ選びなさい。 ただし,文頭にくるべき語も小文字で始められてい る。 ア. social and political conflict イ. the nature of the chemicals that farmers have used 195 ウ. the_expense of the new farming methods 費用 エ. soil_erosion 下線部(3)の語(句) を文意が通るように並べ換えなさい。 下線部(4) の内容を50字以内の日本語で述べなさい。 下線部(5) を日本語に訳しなさい。 英文のタイトルとして最も適当なものを、次のア~エから1つ選びなさい。 Environmental effects of the “Green Revolution” Increase in food production through the “Green Revolution" Some negative aspects of the “Green Revolution" エ. Success of the “Green Revolution" 1. (a)7. () I (e)t leadp (24) ア 問3 問4 問5 問6 3. the grain people used to grow 間、新しい作物に移して得た不必大きなさの 所有者がさな農場の土地を買うこと。 8 ・間5.西府と農家は世界中の空腹な人々の需要を満たす より良い、新しい方法を見つけ、害を少なくしていく必要がある

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

空欄Aのとこなんですけど選択肢にwhereasとyetがあってその二つの違いがわかんないです 早稲田教育英語2012の大問2です

from injuries due to falls. Poor vision accounts for 18 percent of broken hips. So, why don't more people get regular eye exams? For one thing, eye exams in the United States are not covered by public nor by many private health insurers. Even the new U.S. health care law has yet to include basic eye exams and rehabilitation services for vision loss, though advocates are pushing hard for this coverage in regulations now being prepared. But even those who have insurance or can pay out of pocket are often reluctant to go for regular eye exams. Fear and depression are common impediments for those at risk of vision loss. Patients worry that they could become totally blind and unable to go partying, read or drive a car, he said. [A] many people fail to realize that early detection can result[] vision-preserving therapy. Those at risk include people with diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or cardiovascular disease, as well as anyone who has been a smoker or has a family history of an eye disorder like macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma. The eyes are truly a window to the body, and a proper eye exam can often alert physicians to a serious underlying disease like diabetes, multiple sclerosis or even a brain tumor. Mr. Lovett recommends that all children have "a professional eye exam" before they start elementary school. "Being able to read the eye chart, which tests distance vision, is not enough, since most learning dhe is whild de adequate

未解決 回答数: 1
英語 高校生


Lesson 6 Reading Point polyp ジャックは何につい て発表していますか。 microcosm [maikrakdzm マイクロカズム] Great Barrier Reef [greit beriar rif World Heritage Site [world heritids sait kansist コンスィスト] A Microcosm in the Sea corallkiral コーラル] shell Tel シェル] [il] min フルムーン] the Great Barrier Reef Hello, everyone! Today, I'd like to talk about the Great Barrier Reef, a World Heritage Site in Australia. It's the world's largest reef system and consists of over 2,900 reefs. It's longer than > Honshu Island. We can see a lot of colorful coral there. Do you know what coral is? It looks like a plant, but it's actually a hard shell formed by animals. The animals are called coral polyps. They lay eggs after the full moon in spring. The Great Barrier Reef is now facing a crisis. 5 More and more coral is turning white. In fact, it's dying because of global warming, water pollution, erosion, and so on. This phenomenon is called "coral bleaching." Some scientists say that 80 G percent of the Great Barrier Reef will be lost by 2050 if this environmental situation continues. I wonder if future generations will be able to see these beautiful reefs decades from now. A Microcosm in the Sea A Microcosm in the Sea Coral Bleaching Reading Point Lesson グレートバリアリー フはどのような危機 に直面していますか。 crisis [kráisis クライスィス] more and more ますます多くの・・・ pollution [pəlú: ポレーション] erosion [iróuza イロウジョン] L and so on ・・・など phenomeno [finámənàn フェナメナン] bleach [bli:tf プリーラ scientist[sa サイエンティス wonder [wándər 7 generation [dzènəréifr ヂェネレイシ decade [dékeid F

未解決 回答数: 1
数学 高校生


1 次の英文を読んで、問 (1) ~ (5) に且本語で答えなさい。 Lobola is the African custom of paying fora bride. Although it is an old custom, not In fact, it is being debated in Botswana. everyone in African cultures is happy with it. Many people, including many women, support payment of lobola. They explain that in Tswana culture, a marriage means joining a family, not just marrying an individual. The idea of marrying into a family is very African. just the man.Through marriage, the young woman's family loses their daughter as she then becomes a part of her husband's family. Lobola is a way to show thanks. It is a form of generosity in African culture. In its traditional form, they also explain, the groom's family gave cattle to the bride's family. But it didn't matter whether the family owned cattle or not. A woman does not get married to A man only had to pay what he could afford if he had no cattle, he could give something else, even the smallest form of payment. The tradition of lobola was a matter of pride. Today, lobola is often given in cash. purchase of a bride. Lobola is meant to join two families together. They know that But its supporters say it is not about the some people abuse the custom. But they believe that the tradition should not be tossed out because it has many positive effects. Rather than get rid of it, many believe it should just be explained better. However, many others say this custom should be stopped. They think it has become commercialized. Families make lots of demands on the groom. They think this makes lobola look very bad. They argue that in Africa's past, a girl was an asset at home. and other household chores. She did the cooking When a family lost that child through marriage, it demanded payment. Today, they think that lobola has changed into a useless tradition. In this custom, a man is buying the right to control a woman. They say women are individuals with rights. In today's world, parents do not have to be paid for a bride because their male and female children are equal. They all work and make contributions to the household. They believe that paying lobola makes it seem like a man is buying a pair of shoes or a bicycle, instead of getting married. They also argue that it is often a financial burden for couples. It is too difficult for many people to pay the price asked. So, is lobola a rich tradition, bringing families together? Or is it an ugly custom of buying women? This debate continues in Botswana, as does the custom.

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