

英語 中学生

(2)のTalking to people isのtoがなぜTalkingの後に入るのか教えてください🥲

places in Tokushima on the tour. When I was getting on the bus, a boy said to me, "Is this bus for the tour?" in English. I said, "Yes." His name was Adam. He wanted to learn about Tokushima and make more friends before ( ① ) home next month. Adam knew more good sides of Tokushima than I did, so I was surprised When he found something new during the tour, he asked me many questions I didn't know much about Tokushima, so I couldn't answer some of them.r and ed il nomot yanu Adam spoke Japanese when he talked to the local people. I was surprise. at that, too. His Japanese wasn't perfect, but Adam and the local peopl enjoyed talking. He said, “Don't worry about making mistakes. ② (people / is to / talking) a good way to learn the language." I'll try to (3) Englis aprit without worrying about mistakes. (注) side side i perfect 完璧 stus end vedt szupan8 Reading コーラ 前置詞の後に不定詞× (1) ①,③の( )に適する語を[]内から選び,適する形 (1語) に 変えて書きなさい。 変える必要のないものはそのまま書きなさい。 [leave use talk gol Joing 3 uses-114 □ (2) 下線部②の()内の語を並べかえて 英文を完成させなさい形に注意。 ・KANKO Talking to reapletis. a good way.... (3) ガイド 本文の内容にあうように、次の問いに英語で答えなさい。 (1)① 前置詞のあとに動詞 ので動名詞の形にする。 ③ try to のあとに置く (2) 「人々と話すこと」が文 になる。 (3)

解決済み 回答数: 1
英語 高校生

この問題の答えを教えてください🙇 Elixir3三訂版です。

26 29 27 28 UNIT 5 不定詞 ① Reading 44 Grammar & Expression Writing /28 (268 words) 18 Arda Tur 8 宇宙エレベーター (イメージ) Cross Reference 12 Listening 8 Reading 29.08 People have always been fascinated by the stars. In the late 1950s, we began using 929 916 Jeriw blb rockets to explore space. Today, rockets remain the only method for space travel. However, some scientists and companies are discussing other ways to travel into space. They are even suggesting that it may be possible to build a space elevator. Such an elevator would be ideal to take people or equipment to a satellite in Earth's vs m orbit, the moon, or even Mars. They believe it would be expensive to build, but cheap oved) snosili saporio of bedes bi 2515JmT: 63 to operate. It would be 3,000 times cheaper than rocket travel, and it would also be Jodm Tolvo Station and Tokyo Joy trw 59728 safer. These are all positive reasons for trying to construct a space elevator. Obayashi Corporation is a Japanese company that built Tokyo Skytree, and improved the Golden Gate Bridge in America to protect it against 10 earthquakes. It has now promised to make a space elevator, which will allow people itsetovnoj anti mon doiniqo ono ar jedW (1) to go to a space station. Currently, the firm is researching the materials and costs. in einbiguier Obayashi Corporation wants to complete its project by 2050. Insoningie pig sabi gdT Most experts say that such a space elevator is not realistic. They also say it biq SILP 10 would be too would be too expensive. Other experts, however, think that a space elevator will be 15 built one day. It may all depend on human imagination and ambition. In fact, when in 1961 President John F. Kennedy announced the dramatic and ambitious goal to send an American rocket to the moon, many people doubted it could be done. But his goal was achieved in July, 1969, when the astronaut Neil Armstrong stepped onto the Moon's surface. ange Total ⑨25分 0:40 大意把握 SW.Y 問1 次は ア. イ. ウ I 問2 20 E て 19

回答募集中 回答数: 0
英語 高校生


42 Lesson 9 不定詞 (1) 4 〔疑問詞+不定詞〕 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )に適語を入れよ。 M Tom was at a loss what he should say next. Tom was at a loss ( to )(have) say next. (2) I know how to swim. I ( can ) swim. (3) Tell me when and where I should go. Tell me (when) and (where) (to 5 (動詞+目的語 + to不定詞] 次の日本文に合うように,( (1) 母は私に肉を買ってくるように頼んだ。 ask = My mother (asked) me (to ) buy some meat. (2) あなたが援助してくれるものと期待しています。 We (hope ) ( you )( to (3) 先生はその生徒が早退することを許した。 The teacher (alowed) the student (to) (leave ) school early. ) help us. )(go). 6〔不定詞の否定形〕 次の各組の英文を比較して和訳せよ。 (1) a. He pretended not to be her friend. 彼は彼女の友達ではないふりをした。 b. He did not pretend to be her friend. 彼は彼女の友達のふりをしなかった。 に適語を入れよ。 (2). It is difficult for him never to go there alone again. 彼が再び一人でそこに行くことは難しい。 b It is not difficult for him to go there alone again. 彼が再び一人でそこに行くことは難しくありません。 (3) a. I think it important not to tell him the fact. 彼に事実を言わないことが重要だと思う。 b. I don't think it important to tell him the fact. 彼に事実を伝えることは重要ではないと思う。

解決済み 回答数: 1