


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


..2 ◆ B.E.21 POINT) ... 3 参 p.189 B.E.21 2* く. ...4 p. 190 (6) ? (read the book) makes me feel better. (play the guitar) 2 各組の文を意味の違いに注意して日本語で表しなさい . (1) (2) (@My mother doesn't like coming home late. ⑥ My mother doesn't like me coming home late. a Would you mind closing the door? ⑥ Would you mind me closing the door? 3各組の文がほぼ同じ意味を表すように()内に適語を入れなさい. I am sorry that I am late. am sorry for( ( am sorry that I told you a lie. I am sorry for( )( 2 232). ) you a lie.nt at he wa byp m) (199m01 >) captain of the team. (le) a mistake. Tom was proud that he was captain of the team. (1) ”ある. (2) 広いる. (3) いる. (4) The girl denied( ・・・5 9 .6 -7 3 Tom was proud ( The girl denied that she had made a mistake. (L)( 44 日本語に合うように( )内の語句を並べかえなさい. (斜体の動詞は適当な形に直すこと) (1) 寝る前に歯をみがきなさい. (before, your teeth, go, brush) (2) 私たちはプールで水泳を楽しんだ. (we, in, swim, enjoyed) (3) 弟は動物の絵を描くのがじょうずです. (draw, good, is, animals, at) My brother to bed. the pool. (1) (4) 私はロボットを作ることに興味をもっています. (make, in, interested, robots) I am ★ (5) 彼女はかんしゃくを起こしたことを恥じている. (lose, of, ashamed, her temper) way bludW blow S Goob She is 45

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


Entrance Exam 否定表現 1. almost 2. I( 1()に入れる最も適切な語句を1~4から選びなさい。 1. I don't think David would make a good leader because he can ( difficult circumstances and tends to give up too quickly. 2. extremely 3. hardly ) go to karaoke, I go only once or twice a year. ) be expected to act honorably in 4. neither (明治大) (芝浦工業大 4. never 1. often 3. Unfortunately, ( seldom ) of the 1. a few 2. few 3. ever passengers escaped injury. 3. many (大阪学院大 推) 4. much 4. ( ) children are born with musical talent. (日本大) 1. none of 2. not all. 3. not every 4. no one 5. ( 2. No 1. as far as 2. far from ) of the workers accepted the director's proposal to cut bonuses. 1. Not 6. The future of English society looked ( 7. I didn't like the food at that restaurant. It was (. (東海大 3. Never ) promising in the 1840s. None (立命館大) 3. for far 4. too far ) delicious. (福岡大) 1. anything but 2. nothing but 3. without 4. out of 8. He was so drunk that he could ( ) walk. (大阪学院大) 9. 1. all 1. able 2. unable This train doesn't stop at ( a few 3. hard 4. hardly ) station. 大阪商業大推) 2. 3. little 4. every 2. few 12. " Can 10. The latest model of this mobile phone is ( 1. not seldom 3. all not 11. Before I watched the documentary, I knew ( 1. little à you come to the party tonight?" "( 1. Yes, I can ) easy to use. (獨協大) 2. not necessarily 4. ever not 3. seldom ) about life under the sea. 4. hardly (東京工科大) ). I have a lot of homework." (拓殖大) 2. Yes, I do 3. No, I'm afraid not 13. Japan has ( 1. a little 2. few 4. No, I hope not ) oil and therefore is almost entirely dependent on imports. (センター) 3. little 4. small

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

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USEFUL EXPRESSIONS 下の欄から適切な熟語を選び、 次の日本語の意味を表わすような英文を作りなさい。 1. 多くの自治体が、廃棄物処理に費用がかさんでいることを心配している。 Many municipal governments ( cost of waste disposal. 2. 規則的な運動は、私たちの日常生活で大変重要な役割を果たすものだ。 Regular exercise ( ) our daily life. 3. 科学者たちは、なぜそのクジラが浜辺に打ち上げられたのか、困惑している。 Scientists are puzzled ( why the whale. had swum to the shore. 4. 大雨に加えて強風が、その地域の家々を完全に破壊してしまった。 The strong wind, ( completely destroyed the houses in that area. ) the rising 5. 雨が降り続くうちに、川の水がうちの表玄関にまで来てしまった。 As the rain ( up to our front door. ) the heavy rain. WRITING 次のそれぞれの英文の( を完成させなさい。 ) pour down, the river came as to be concerned about continue to in addition to play a role in の中の語句を並べ替え、日本語の意味を表わすように英文 1.他の数種の鳥と違い、カツオドリは水中に垂直降下できる。 (other/unlike/ birds/some), gannets can dive vertically. gannets can dive vertically. 2. 彼女は日々の心配事を全て忘れて、 3週間の休暇にハワイ旅行へと旅立った。 She took off on a 3-week holiday for Hawaii, (all / behind / worries / her / leaving) her. She took off on a 3-week holiday for Hawaii, her. 3. 台風が東京を直撃する可能性は無いように思える。 (possibility/seems/be/there / to / no) of the typhoon hitting Tokyo. of the typhoon hitting Tokyo.

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TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


160 Unit 17 THIRD STAGE Her second [Reading] 1 次の英文を日本語に直しなさい. □ (1) That boy is as bright* as a university student. あの男の子は大学生くらい頭がいいです。 □ (2) My brother received* more chocolates than me on Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day [ for 私の兄はバレンタインに私立多くのチョコレートを受 (3) My father looks much busier this week than last week. 父が先週末より今週末のほうが疲れてみえます Her second novel is not so famous as her first one 彼女の2冊目の小説は1冊目より有名ではないです。 (5) Because of your efforts*, we were able to get better results* this y あなたの努力のおかげで、私達は良い結果を見ることがで (6) My test score* was ten points* lower than yours. 私のテストの点数はあなたのよりも10. 低かったです。 7) The population* of this country is much larger than that of Japan. その国の人口は日本よりも大きいです。 2 次の各文の [ ]内の語句を並べかえて全文を書きなさい. また, その文を日本語 (1) Your essay on Japanese culture than / better /is/mine / much ]. Your essay on Japanese culture is much better (日本語) あなたの作文は私のよりもとても良いです。 日本の文化についての (2) I can't understand your English. Can [more/ speak / a little / sl can't undactoureel T bl

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