


TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

2つ質問があります。 一つ目のマーカーのところの「to be」、これはSVOCを振るとすればO(目的語)でしょうか。 二つ目のマーカーの分構造はどうなっているのでしょうか。where以下で動詞が見つけられず、意味がとれません。

Type 8 意図問題 Exercise 19 The author mentions "a cellphone call" in order to ni ed nsp pniwaliofanit toallanitý A compare how different ways of receiving information affects memory emsp erit vert A ® emphasize the importance of repetition to absorb information on ob on ob veriT (8 O demonstrate ways to counteract retroactive inhibition work so ton ob O show how new information can hinder the retention of previously learned TO information € it vit vedT 0. vedtok れ れ to that can changed copia Tvo There are a number of events that can cause humans to forget information they have already learned and stored in their memory. One cause is believed to be a type of interference phenomenon known as retroactive inhibition, where a sudden influx of new information blocks the retention of older learned material. A driver might hear a phone number on the radio that he wants to call, so he repeats it out loud until he can recite it from memory. Then, the driver receives a cellphone call from his manager. In the time it takes the driver to absorb the information from his manager, he has forgotten the number he repeated just a few seconds before. Vildo L

解決済み 回答数: 1
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人


10 abc X₂ X² Aa A AⓇ フォント # V 1.4 2 ← 2 E 2. The shepherd has a habit of counting his sheep every night to make sure that all there. (A) ite (B) it's (C) their (D) they're E for her best-selling nature photography books, Naomi Ward opens a photography school next month. (A) Know (B) Knowing (C) Known (D) To know 3.4 2 2 段落 e beginning and advanced courses in cellular biology include lecture and laboratory time. (A) Both (B) Each 4. An all-staff meeting on November 6th will focus on ------ each department is doing to prepare for our annual inspection. (A) howe (B) whate (C) Either (D) Every アクセシビリティ: 検討が必要です 2 2 f E 5. John Berg went to his office to talk with his boss he returned from his overseas business trip. (A) as far as E 2 2 6. Bill Cain had never heard of the company; he could not say anything when his A S 8. E ------ ← 標準 I (B) once + ■行間詰め (C) so that (D) whereas 7. This fall, Plasma Tech Inc. is offering a new line of digital metering products that are compact, ---, and reasonably priced.< (A) consistente (B) conveniente (C) insistent (D) present 見出し1 boss asked him about it. (A) however (B) meanwhile (C) nonetheless- (D) therefore On Saturday, October 19, Headlands Sports Club is holding Day. (A) it (B) its 見出し 2 annual Open スタイル E 表題

解決済み 回答数: 1
TOEIC・英語 大学生・専門学校生・社会人

①と②の2から6がわからないです。 助けてください😭

0 英語の文をつくるときに大切なことをまとめてみよう。つぎの( )の中に入る文法に関す ることばとして適当なものはどれか。下の口 (2度使うものもある)(20点) から選び、記号で答えなさい。 v o 山W 8 英語の文は主語と(1 )の中心である( 2 )を骨組みとしてつくられる。 同時に他の(3)である( 4 )や( 5 )が動詞の後に必要かどうかも大切で ある。文の要素ではない( 6 )はそぎ落として文の骨組みをつかむことも大 切である。さらに( 7 )が担っている5つの(8 )に関する情報や( 9)、 (10 )という情報にも注意したい。 1)ef l are エ、補語 ア、目的語 カ、文の要素 イ、述語 文、動詞 オ、「とき」 キ、能動態 ク、受動態 ケ、修飾語 s ) 11ho ( 1 ) am lam-8 [og Lo put [b upY T つぎのそれぞれの文の( )に最も適する動詞を下の口 から選び、記号 で答えなさい。(1度だけ使うこと 使わない語がある先頭に入る語も小文字にしてある) (20点) alisrio lest 8 )from a cold in a few days. 1、You will ( 2、I noticed bleeding when I ( ). 3、Is anything ( )you lately at work or at home? )you allergic to any medications? 5、It will( )over soon. 6、Nothing could () my mind at rest. 7、Please( 8、Three passengers were ( )with the new coronavirus. 9、Do you() all over ? 10、My father has ( ) sick for a week. )me your regular dose. カ、 feel サ、bothering オ、are 、 cell ウ、recover エ、set naatad p. コ、urinated heen

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