Yumi: This is a very beautiful doll. I like it a lot. Can I touch it?
Marie: Yes, of course. Ah, watch it! This doll is about 100 years
old, so it is
Yumi: Wow, 100 years old! It is very old. Where did you get it?
Marie: I found it at a flea market in Paris five years ago.
Yumi: And... how much was it?
Marie: It was about 20 euros at that time.
Yumi: 4 were really lucky.
(注)watch it 気をつけて (itの代わりに out や yourself を使うこともある) delicate 壊れやすい
a flea market 蚤の市 euro ユーロ (EUの公式貨幣単位)
1 下線部 ①,③, ④の文章を How もしくは What で始まる感嘆文に書き直しなさい。
℗ How very beautiful this doll is!
3 What an old it is!
2 下線部②の命令文 「気をつけて!」と同じ意味になるよう,(
Watch it = You (be an ) be careful.
3 英文を読んで,次の問いに英語で答えなさい。
1) How old is Marie's doll?
2) When did Marie get the doll?
3) Where did Marie get the doll?
4) How much was the doll at that time?