

上wu 。。 記むこと3 (3学萌和朗) ( 一 . 間呈ほらー 高六1 年生の Nao が書い スピーチ原稿です。 これを読み, あ た との問いに答えな f 1 couldnt answer ia What are Your good points? Can you anSWer this question: s \ ご rofjunior high 上50 WWhen 1 "as 2Jnmaog high 和紀 tbe qaestiom/unti my last Ye8i Cropp ways try hard. |隊9時 T was_not wexygoodLat . school student, 1 didnt ai 2 1 often thought, Tm not as ' studying、 1 Was not very good at sDOrtS, gtheも y fri 0 ten) hool very much. good as my friends.” IdidntenJoy SC WMr Yosbida was the teacher of my cla88. He taught us JapDaneSe- ⑥:革寺 je told us to write about OUr good point8. bave any good points," 1 thought, so ! wrote “Nothing" e to the teachers room after Sc Mr. Yoshida told me to comi said. “You have many good petwiehW yo dont know)) *What do you mean, Mr. Yoshida?” 1asked Eいてこう(<スレ あなにのの矢タぶて ーージS人 っ / 8 8 こなかうのきり 遂で 昌e said, “T know you visit an old woman and talk with her on your Way_ home She didn't have chances to talk with anyone before. She was sad One day *My good points? 1 dont | | | | hoolthat day. He from school. and 1onely, but now she is bappy because you often visit her. You help the old woman Isaid, "Well IdontthinkIhelpher. Ijust visit her because I want to see her.” Mr Yosbida smiled and said, “Maybe you dont think you help her,、but you make bere happy′ !was surprised by his words、 Imake ber happy. 1 Was yery glad to hear that. Mr. Yoshida said, "You have a kind heart、 Thats one of your( ⑨ ). Youshould be proud of* yourself, Nao." Iwas a student who never tried hard, but when 1 talked with Mr、 Yoshids on とに 和錠づひい(ー that day, 1 found 6ut about one of my good points. After that、 1 became more dent* confident*。 @ 1 started to do my best for studying and sports、 I besan to enjoy school. Now Tm studying hard to be a nurse、 ⑤ but Tm trying hard. My friends say oLhayechanged. I . fyou know you have i ood change yourself. good points、 you can start to 生 ) be proud of- を誇りに思う confident 自信がある

