

問5 の写真を掲載することができなかったので ここに書きます。

①sharing work spaces and changing office seating arrangements can be effective.

②shared lounges are vital to the success of hotdesking and hoteling.

③traditional office don't function as social environments.

④the problems of employee isolation and stress may be solved by telecommuting.


また、内容一致の問題で どこの箇所が誤りなのかも教えていただきたいです!(正解の根拠)

re作がが Af eeently memative work se are _giving workers。 the opportumitxto 5 wordn Totally different enyironmentoy Imagine maing_a_cup_of_cofleein し your kitehen> and tarting<o workXby turning on your computeWn your でiee at home> This reeenb nend js でalled telecommuting"_or "teleworking: Borme_companies。have closed, their othes。and an<6f theip employees_and managerBc are 1eeommuting。 Other companies have _assigned, certain が mmmee ・ "YOHISXGm this way> Taleonmmuting eliminates the_rush_hour emmute<or workery and Rave companies thouaands<of dollarsxin rent>and てoe apaeo wm more companies consider woriing@t home or other alternative work style8% Does this earew the adiGonal work style il fade awav<in the fntur史 A number<Gf companies are using,a /。 mombination,f traditional and alternative work styles> Many_workers_and eompanies。 are_looking_for more flexibility to_help make their_work land _Personal lives more convenient。 efficient_and__productive..Some companies 。 ddaim | that alternative_work_styles。 lead to higher_productivity.| These_new working styles les are_aready_being_practiced3n many Memy companies> Alternative work styles。 十in poBGlarty because the | technology supports 人ndl (mm) workers spend <@bout 40 years of their lives in jobs so the work_enwironment i9 _an mportant concera. This_trend has created other_alternative woring_styles nluding fopen seating' or *hotdeskingy YoHfcingy "hoteingy and oo- OHaingのOpen seating'sor "hoddeekingtis a svetemwhene workery do not have aeqigned deeks> They tome imi。 he_oHioe and et a gup of deeka om a fms fyeemrel bagd) AmotNer eindar coacept is noble deeka r can_be moved into diHerent_arrangements <for hme (dho) hawe_prven<to be ethenKfr gr companies ae
か Tk styiem can alao include reloeating_to other rk_spaces 。"Hoteling" can_be umed<for conwultants 5EH other freelance group Net only_need| ctRie mpaeedor a short periodゆSemting4t deks in the otoy ja mmranged もy the ompmny>lonly when neededJ*Coworsngr is s ve erent mitemative work style. Corworking_spacee<3n apartment buhdingy combine the_infonmal_atmosphere6f the home of 9がXith a relaxed coflee 1omnge cnvironmenら Corworkenm rna pdvate desk<fn the apartmentiand ar 直he cnmmon_areas6 which may include meeting areas.・ md lounge_spaee。*Coaworkingr can_help solve_ feelings < jomiaad 1onelinesSX4or some telecommuaters> (On the other hand working<et home> or other alternative work styies>im not aays the_perfect slution. Some workers may ytoo hard)o meet their empiosers_expeetations。 Tin coul orenvork。 Meeting new busimness contacts is more limited。and some workers feel more isolated、The traditional ofRce is not only a business enyironment [bet alsd an important social environment. Some workers feel more amortabie sodiahy3n a tedieonal ofice>革Beiuiy mone reweardh wiL_heig to identiy the challenges<of altermative work stylesXthat companies_and. may mhersieeaee gh4Iithe fe auipmet mcremwed sreww and 間1 下線部⑪ Recently で始まる段落の内容と一致するものを一つ選びなきい。 角和番号 [16 ] ⑩ Alternative life styles cannot be practiced_while telecommuting- /⑳ Telecommoting alows workers to communicate through the 1 Nitg0導NHAYPmー offeeinteraeon。 。 2 。 @⑳ aving Ape one benet 陣MP smployeesr 59iaa細99 GE altor Yilrtaazni
韻2 下線部の Atermative で始まる彼導の内容と一致しをいものを一つ選びなきい。 に 解番号 (⑩ Technology helps workers be more Oxible about where they can Worik. -。 ⑳ The work space atmosphere is important for thowe employed there for decades_ 、⑲ Not having assigned desks has proven productiwe. o⑲ Hotdesking and ofcing enable employees to work from home- kee 問3 下線部③④ Moreover で始まる段落の内容と一致するものを一つ選びなさい。 解答香 e⑪⑩ 共有スペースで仕事をすることは. その利用者の孤独感の軽減につながる。 ⑯ 一時的にホテルの部屋で仕事をすることは. 経費節約型のオルタナティイブ ワークである。 ⑳ カフ=を仕事場として利用することは, オルタナティプワークの特徴であ る。 《⑳ ホテルの部屋を仕事場と して利用する場合 利用者が部屋の予約をする必 要がない。 問4 下線部の) On で始まる段誠内容と一致するものを一刀びなさい。 mp 角和番号[

