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女子 2019

Monarch ButterHy* Migration Every year 4 regular as lockwork fnd, appens.As the weather changes and food is harder to my animala are pulled by a strong, patural Oinstinct t6 eave their homes for part ofthe 1ook for more food and a better plaGe to hive and breed( anm し over 2 million rildebeest sefofr on a Journey together to find better grazing aream2Another exammple is the Arctic tern. which me ofthe longewt mierationsi Hang irom the Acic to the Atarctid apd back agaid everr Year around trip of abouk 70.900km) Ye smileooe De buirRiee alo Same kmg mameeoey oeme な te me samazing is taken_by_the_monarch_butterH./Ove_300. pfragile creatures ny 4.828Mm soutH from North America to Mexicos mountainoue oyamel fhr forest to gst_away_from the cold we What is unusualabout the butterly ーー that only the fourth generation。rhich is borm ICEB53h 2おSa butterfHieg have strong wings (they can fly as far as 120km a day). long ife spans でthey iive as long 5 6-8 months) and are born to fhy Before the winter cold sets in,/4hey start migrating south. waitornet oy How tie me niion outes sm eveo meatotp he seoe tm es tr Gancestors did/and they hibernate there/fHow they do this is a mysteryzAProbabhy evemythng writen in their DNA When they 2 next spring。全ey mate and set offto fty back home。 buyで overonly part ofthe way north,人en breed and die. The next three generations. ie. the rs amd third. fy further north and repeat the pattern untiL theyrfinally return to North America. ac of these three generation butterfHhies lives onlylfor 2-6 weel re are patches of mi apd their young feed. before they mate。 1ay eggs. and dieZStrangsly gtheir way back home on which they lay eggs monarch butterfly is in danger. nedgh many of the butterfiies_ sites jn Mexie6 have been made into even here they are not safe/③As s resulzcold air gets to the trees where the butterflies stay and because of this, many of them die- 本1meT mt and The World Wildhife Fund for Nature (WWF) are working together to save the orest and educate people. (出典:H Nagata & G. Tiey AMysreries p Saiegce Nanan-do. 2015)
1. 本文の内容に一致しているものには〇を、そうでないものにはXをつけなさい。 1 African wildebeest cannot make along pm >) ( (技The Arctic tern fies glong distanee betwyeen遇 olと2 ク ⑬ "The monarch butterfly chooses to ive in the cold weatbe - (⑳ The distance of the monarch butterly's travel to Mexic 5 wm ク 6 を rery monarch butterHy is fitted for a long journey sn Ri ? 2 (6) The butterHy learns the migration route by practice に ク (⑦ The monarch butterfly travels south to avoid the col ther in North Amer メ fer reaching Mexico, the butterflies spend the winter in a state ike deep sleep。 リン9 Attempts to keep the space for the monarch butterHiy safe have been made Q0) For the survival of the butterfly in the south, the forest has an impo
egTo < >の 1 文は、上記の第 5パラグラフの中、①こ④のどの位置に入ると最も適切か、 に 下から選び、記号アーエで答えなさい。 <People are cutting down the forest around them.> (Z) ば) ④

