
✨ ベストアンサー ✨

skr skr

Call me Bravo

Let me pick k=-2 into the inequality, will be meet. So l think the answer ......

呃…… k=-2代進去得Xmax=-1/根號2 Ymax=-2 不就<0了嗎==

Call me Bravo

I don’t think so, please check the picture

Sir,I think that u must misread the passage in the picture:)))) we have to find out the range of k which represents "無實數解"😎 (you've slapped your face according to your picture 😂)or i think you don't understand the geometric meaning of "無實數解" well:)))

Btw, is your native tongue English ?

Call me Bravo

No, my cell phone setups English skin only. I think the answer is k<-1, not k>2. If k>2, let inequality over 0, you can check it.
