
問2 下線部(2)の内容を日本語で説明しなさい。
問5 It's( ).に適切な1語を入れなさい。

という問題がわかりません( >̶̥̥̥᷄д<̶̥̥̥᷅ )

ュ What is the best way to improve your English? There is no casy answer to this question. Tn fact。 people have different opinions about ythis。 Some people say。 "Increase your vocabulary by memorizing lots of words* Other people say, "Just study grammar and translation 2 What do you do to improve your Enghish? Do you (1 )to Engtish songs? Do you 、(r ) novels or magazines in English2 Yaybeyou >(w 。 ) Engishyideos on the Intermet oreven。(k ) adiary in Rnglish 3 IFyou want to improve your Englhish, you have to comumunicate im English。 Studying vocabulary and grammar。 reading and jistening to English material, and writing in English are all very important。 At the same time you need to realize that adoimg these will not automatically make a good communicator of English TFyou want to be able to communicate in English well, you have to experience actual live conversations * Are you asking now "What does it mean to have actual jive onversations?" "This means that you need to take everi opportunity to speak English。 Dontt gs opportunities to speak English” You live in a world with endl possibilities. 5 There are so many tourists from all around the world in d now Also, people from other countries live in Japan、When see them。 why not strike up a conversation? When know where they_are from, you can use Enghish. Dont be They will be happy to speak with you. 6 The Internet has opened up the world to you as well email and social netvorking services, you can be in touch people all over the world. Guess what language comes in h Thatsrightl Itsa( ). 7 You can aways speak with your English teachers in 。Speak with them English not only during class time hy daring other times of the day You might have other fi ant to practice English like you. Create an Rnglish dub. Maybe an English teacher will help yon


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

問2 ヒントはdoing theseです。
theseを使用する際、使用するより前に一度theseで示すものが記されており、かつ複数のものでないといけません。さらに2文前以上のものに対してtheseで置き換えてしまうと何に対してtheseを使っているのか誤解してしまうことがあるため、大抵のものはtheseを使っている文もしくは1文前にtheseを指す言葉があります。よって答えは、L11のstudying vocabulary and...〜writing in Englishまでを日本語訳したものとなります。

問5 ヒントはcome in hundy"役に立つ"です。
今まで英語の話をしており、英語に対してポジティブな内容が書かれていたので役に立つ言語はと聞かれたら答えはIt's (an English).になります。


