

旬l wl の英文を起んで、あとの各問いに符えなさい。 die 1 as mm Auget ewening almost twenty yemm amn There was e *claeeical muwic concert in my town. A few wecks before the concert。 my father aeid to me。 YA famous "violinist will play with our town *orchestra. want to take you to this concert Do you wantto come with me7" lthought Oit waa rood idea。 So we went to the concert hell in the でening. There were alot ofpeople in the hall Just beore the concert。 my father said to me He esin an accident when he was a chiId.ARer that he couldnt ue his hands wel bt( の )And he became s famous viohinist* Then the violinist elked slowiy to the *center of the *etage and 1Goked at the *conductor The concert began. "The music waw very bomutiul and everything ent well in the *beginning. But *suddenly we heard ashort and stong sound from the stage There was ぐa problem.The conductor saw the iohinist and stopped the orcbestra Tsaid to myselt -The ichimist will change his *vjohn for another me apd start playing again" But he didnt He waited just a itde and vesked the conductor to *continue with his eyes Then they sarted playing the music again. The violinist was Tlaying the music without one *euring. Everyone 1ooked surprieed. He played the music with only three strings。 How gemtl Wben he fmisbed Severybody was quiet. Then everyope in the hall *stood up to Yive hin a big hand。 He said to us with a smてく 。 ⑤ テア1 thought to mywelf "He could play with only three Perngw ecawee he iveye ncited herd with thet Tk was a really mowing concert for me. 1 lerned from him that we should never( ⑤ ) Wemust do our bewt when we hawe a problem. Twill newer*forget that concert. (dmc mueic クラシック音打 Gohniat バイオリン胡者 rchewtrm オークストラ
間1。 下線部①が示している内容を, 日本語 At 間2. ( ② )にあてはまる英呈として, 最も適当なものを, 次のアーエからひとつ己び, 記号で答えなさい。 (⑫点) 了, he told other violiniste to play mugie イ。 he started to study music hard to be a conductor ウ.he always played the piano a Hittle slowly エ、he practiced playing the violin very bard 間3, 下線部⑬は, バイオリン奏者に起こったどのような 間題ですか。 本文の内容から判断して, 日本語で説明し なさい。 4点) 則4. 下線郎⑩について, その理由を, 本文の内容から判 断して, 日本語で説明しなさい。 (⑫点) 間5. ( ⑮ )にあてはまる英文として, 最も適当なものを。 次のアーエからひとつ選び, 記号で答えなさい。 (⑫点) ア。 We always practice the violin during the concert. イ. We always must play the best music with the things that we have. ウ. We always stop playing music when someone makes a big sound. エエ. We cannot play perfect music because we have go many concerts。 間6.( ⑥ )にあてはまる語句を, 本文の内容から判断し て, 2太以上の英央で答えなさい。 ン 00: 則7. 本文の内容と一致するものを. 次のアーカからニつ し ESふらさい


