
(4)の答えがthe problemでしたがsolving the problemではダメでしょうか?

humans. "We were able to identify one of the many molecular features that likely shape behavior," she adds. ** hol boquete es Though the origins of the dog/human partnership remain unknown, it's becoming increasingly clear that each species has changed (during our long years header The physical differences between a basset hound and wolf are obvious, but dogs have also changed in ways that are more than skin (or fur) deep. One recent study shows how by bonding with us and learning to work ogether with humans, dogs may have actually become worse at working together Their pack lifestyle and mentality appear to be reduced and are far as a species. less prevalent even in wild dogs than in wolves. But, Yale's Laurie Santos says, dogs may have compensated in other interesting ways. They've learned to use humans to solve problems. "Several researchers have presented dogs and wolves with an impossible problem (e.g., a puzzle box that can't be opened or a pulling tool that stops working) and have asked how these different species react," Santos explains. Researchers have found that wolves try lots of different trial and error tactics to solve the problem - they get at it physically. But at the first sign of trouble, dogs do something different. They look back to their human companion for help. This work hints that dogs may have lost some of their physical problem-solving abilities in favor of more social strategies, ones that rely on the unique sort of cooperation


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it = the problem が正解とあるが
it = solving the problem はどうか?


結論としては、solve を含めてはダメです。

理由は 下線部を含む1文の they get at it physically の get at の意味にsolving を含めたらダメな理由があります。

英英辞典のロングマンによると get at = to try to explain something, especially something difficult または to discover information, especially the truth about a situation とあります。日本語に直すと「何かを説明しようとすること、特に難しいものを説明しようとすること」または「情報を見つけること、特にある状況における真実を見つけること」とあります。get at の意味に、すでに solve の意味が含まれているから solving the problem はダメなんだと考えるのがわかりやすいと思います。

ちなみに、problem は a difficult situation 「困難な状況」の意味で、 solve は to find a way of dealing with a difficult situation 「困難な状況に対処する方法を見つける」という意味です。

