

NARU HODO [ []内の動詞を適切な形に変えて ( (1) This is the painting ( ) by Van Gogh. [draw] (2) I think the boy ( standing ) next to Helen must be her new boyfriend. [stand] (3) The cat( ) on the sofa is sleeping well. [lie] (4) I need lettuce, cheese, salt, pepper, and ( (5) Look at that little doll ( ISES に書きましょう。 A the next meeting. ) eggs to make this sandwich. [boil) ) in blue. It is so pretty. [dress] 2 日本語を参考に,( )内に適切な語を入れ, 英文を完成させましょう。AB (1) ポルトガル語はブラジルで話されている言語です。 Portuguese is the (language) ( spoken (2) あそこで手を振っている女性は私の母です。 The woman (waring (3) 東京タワーに行くのにいちばん早い方法は何ですか。 What is the quickest way ( to ) ( get (4) 日本では、少子高齢化社会という問題を抱えています。 We have the problem ) an ( ) in Brazil. ) her hand over there is my mother. in Japan. (5) 何も心配ないと思いますが、念のためテストをしてみましょう。 I don't think there's ( in case. have ) ( to ) ( society( worry ) Tokyo Tower? 3 日本語を参考に,( )内の語句を並べかえ, 英文を完成させましょう。 A B (1) あなたは私と駅で9時に会うという約束を忘れたのですか。 Did you forget your (to / me / promise / the station / meet / at ) at nine? Did you forget your (2) 日本人の監督によって撮られた映画が賞を獲得しました。 The (Japanese / won / movie / a/ by / director/filmed) the prize. The (3) 彼の英語を話す能力は、彼の友人たちすべての称賛の的でした。 His skill at (the admiration / English / of / was / all / speaking / his friends). His skill at (4) 次の会議には3つの検討すべき議題があります。 (topics / examined/ have/we/ be / to / three) at the next meeting. ) about, but let's do a test just ) fewer children at nine? the prize. (中央大学・改) at


(1) (drawn)[過去分詞]
(2) 〇
(3) (lying)[現在分詞] ソファに(横たわっている)猫はぐっすり眠っている。
(4) (boiled) ※boiled egg ゆで卵 ← ゆでられた卵
(5) (dressed) ※dressed in … …を着ている、…に身を包んでいる あの青色の衣装のかわいい人形を見て。

(1) 〇
(2) 〇
(3) (to) (get) (to) であれば〇 ※get [to](判別不能)
(4) We have the problem (of) an (aging) society (with) fewer children in Japan. ※aging society 高齢化社会
(5) I don't think there's (nothing) (to) (worry) about, but let's do a test just in case.

(1) Did you forget your (promise to meet me at the station) at nine? ※promise to ~ ~するという約束
(2) The (movie(S) <filmed(過去分詞=形容詞:前の名詞movieを修飾) by a Japanese director> won(V)) the prize(O).
(3) His skill at (speaking English was the admiration of all his friends).
(4) (We have three topics to be examined) at the next meeting.

