

8 【実力問題】 思考・判断・表現 (完答各5点 *6=30点) 次の文章は、子どもに「待つこと」 を教えることについての一節である。 この文章を読み、 続く問いに答えなさ い。 辛抱強く Waiting patiently is hard to do even for grown-ups. We develop patience, or at least 4#2 learn to hide our impatience, because we know that it is socially unacceptable (1) to do otherwise. For small children, waiting is especially difficult. They don't care yet about what 5 VEMB others think so they express their impatience openly. In addition, (2) their ( X X DE X ) ( :) ( 24 ) ( makes it difficult for them to gauge how ) to wait for something. "How much longer?" "Can we go now?" "Are we there yet?" "When is it time?" These are questions that (3) reveal how difficult it is for small children not only to wait, but even to understand the general framework of time passing. Everyday life provides an abundance of opportunities to teach our children how to wait patiently. "I'm hungry!" a child cries impatiently. As we're preparing his food, we can explain onge must be
2 下線部 (2) が次に示す意味になるように、下のA~Hに示す語を各空所に入れるとき, ①と②に入るものの 記号を答えなさい。 (完答) 「彼らは時間についての認識に限界があるため、 何かについてどれだけ待つ必要があるのかを判断す るのが難しくなる」 A.comprehension B have C. limited 認識、理解 3° D. long E. of F. they G. time H. Will

