

各文の( (1) He is well known ( group. に入る最も適当な語句をa~dから選びなさい. to b. by (2) Let's go ahead and do it. a.gains c. has gained (3) A new department store ( should be finished soon. a.constructed c. is constructing ) us as the leader of the volunteer (1) p.153 【関西学院大 】 c. with Nothing( b. will gain d. will be gained ) near the station now; it (3) p.148 【東京電機大】 d. for ) by just waiting. (2) p.148 【センター本試 】 b. was constructed d. is being constructed 2 日本文の意味に合うように[ (1) この部屋の中でたばこを吸ってはいけません. You [smoke, are, to, allowed, in, nót ] this room. You to smoke in ]内の語句を並べかえなさい. are not allowed (2) すぐに医者を呼びにやらないといけない. The doctor [away, be, for, must, right, sent ]. The doctor must be was (3) どのようにしてそんなに多くの友人を得たのですか. sent for right away How [ get, with, you, acquainted, did ] so many friends ? How_did get acquainted with you (4) トムはケイトと結婚して10年くらいになる. 【相模女子大】 this room. 【大阪学院大 】 so many friends ? 【武庫川女子大】 Tom[been, for, has, Kate, married, ten years, to ]. Tom has been married for kate to ten years. 4 日本文を英文に直しなさい. (1) キャサリンはニュージーランドで生まれ育ちました. Catherine bring up in (2) その店ではTシャツがよく売れている. T-shirts often are sells 3各文の下線部の誤りを1か所選び 正しい形に直しなさい. (1) The patient was taken good care at the hospital. 【関西外国語大】 〔C〕 → (taken care of ) (2) It is said that almost three-fifths of the human body composed of water. 【立命館大】 in that 【明星大】 [↓] → (is composed of) 【京都学園大 】 New Zealand. store. 2 (1) 参 p. 146 (2) p.147. (3) 参 p.157 動作状 示す (4) p. 143 3 (1) 参 p. 15 (2) p.15 (1) p.1 「~を" bring (2) p.:
受動態 論表


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

(1) 〇
(2) 〇
(3) 〇
(1) 〇
(2) 〇
(3) 〇
(4) Tom has been married to Kate for ten years. ※be married to 人 人と結婚している
(1) 〇
(2) 〇
(1) Catherine was born and brought up in New Zealand. ※be brought up 育てられる
(2) T-shirts sell well in the store.





You're welcome!😊
