

9:19 Lesson 5 Mental Toughness Section 2 * 2 Stay focused. Relax. 5G |連続 -X 83% You might be surprised that even 押し続けると world-class athletes get nervous and - lose confidence. Roger Federer is one of the greatest tennis players of all time. He is the winner of 20 Grand Slam tournaments. You might think that he would have no problems keeping up his self-confidence. You would be wrong. Roger Federer is sometimes plagued with negative thoughts. He was playing a match which he had perfectly prepared for, yet somehow he was losing. When asked how he felt, he said, "No matter how positive you are, you just see negativity flying all around you." So what is his advice? Accept all the difficult thoughts and feelings and just stay focused on the game.
9:20 Lesson 5 Mental Toughness Section 2 * would be wrong. 5G 83% Roger Federer is sometimes plagued with negative thoughts. He was playing a match which he had perfectly prepared for, yet somehow he was losing. When asked how he felt, he said, "No matter how positive you are, you just see negativity flying all around you." So what is his advice? Accept all the difficult thoughts and feelings and just stay focused on the game. |連続 一文 Usain Bolt, the Jamaican sprinter who is considered the fastest man in the world, knows the key to staying focused: Just relax. Bolt says, "I try to be myself, just be relaxed, and be a fun person. I try to find somebody who I know, try to talk and laugh and just relax and not think about anything else."





・You might think that he would have no problems keeping up his self-confidence.
・No matter how positive you are,
・I try to be myself, just be relaxed, and be a fun person.


文法的には以下の内容の確認が必要だと思います。あとは熟語表現:have a problem ~ing/keep up … も確認してください。
①You [might] think that he [would] have no problems keeping up his self-confidence. → 助動詞、時制の一致
②[No matter how] positive you are, → 複合関係副詞
③I try to be myself, just be relaxed, [and] be a fun person. → 等位接続詞

