

(5) 昨夜は雨が降りませんでした。 It did not r last night. <否定文〉次の文を否定文に書きかえるとき, listen (1) I listened to music yesterday. I didn't listen to music に適する語句を書きなさい。 (2) John visited his aunt last week. John didn't visit his aunt (3) I went to the library last Friday. I didn't go to the library (4) Mika caught four fish in the river. 7P 7142??? フォウア Mika didn't catch four fish 語句 □aunt: おば Oriver: J yesterday. 5 last week. last Friday. (5) My brother did his homework this morning. My brother didn't his home work this morning in the river.
一般動詞の過去形 <疑問文と答え方〉次の文を疑問文に書きかえなさい。また, ()内の語を使って3語以上の英 文で答えなさい。 公園ではしっていました Did she study English in the library? pic ファザー? (1) Tom's father ran in the park yesterday. (Yes) BELIAU S Did Tom's father ran in the part yesterday? 答え Yes, they did. tida (2) His sister studied English in the library. (Yes) 198 疑問文 答え (3) Bob and Mark left home at ten. (No) ** Did Bob and Mark leave home at teh? ** No.. they did 9〈疑問詞で始まる疑問文> 次の下線部をたずねる文を作るとき, に適する語を書きなさい。 (1) She visited her grandmother last Sunday. When did she visit her grandmother? E"="? Stay * 73? (2) Mr. Wilson stayed in Matsuyama last week. Where did Mr. Wilson Stay last week? (3) Rika bought some flowers at the department store. did Rika buy at the department store? What (4) He went to school by bike yesterday. How did he went to school yesterday?
英語 過去形

