
この文の緑のマーカー引いてるところの、訳と構造を教えて欲しいです!特にcrimes for which のところがなぜそうなるかわからないです

and have 2 R not Advances in technology/over the past 200 years have been remarkable ght us many benefits/However, the integration of technology Into society has always been smooth/ The first industrial revolution began in Britain in the late 18th century/Machines developed at the time/could make clothes much more efficiently (1) 14 easily and cheaply than before. Even so not everyone felt happy about this at first. Groups of skilled weavers and textile machine operators known as Luddites feared 労働運動 that their jobs would be taken away/They began/a labor movem ement in order to protest and resist the widespread use of the new technology by factory owners. Their protest actions included destroying machines crimes for which some Luddites were killed by authorities. ようたい CO ↑ To Cut 27. 減速する we now know these technological advances did not/slow down. Over time, they became widely accepted and appreciated. Before long, other innovations like the steam engine were powering heavy machinery across Europe and beyond. The second industrial revolution, toward the end of the 1800s, brought the gasoline engine and the s use of electricity. The third industrial revolution, in the late 20th century, produced computers as well as digital technologies and communications. And, recently, experts have declared that developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced robotics have led us into the fourth industrial revolution. Even today, however, we hear warnings about the potentially harmful effects of (2) contemporary technologies. Some observers claim that the latest AI inventions could have negative impacts on workers, businesses, and society as a whole. The main concern, as in past eras, is that machines will replace humans in the workplace. Thes- observers suggest that a large number of occupations might be lost to AI and robot in the next few years. Taxi and truck drivers, cleaners, and factory workers are amon those considered to be at risk. The fear is even expressed that the AI revolution might lead to mass unemploymen According to some experts, up to 800 million jobs could be lost globally by 203 Moreover, the workers who will lose their jobs to machines are likely to be those wit ewer skills and less education, increasing the gap between rich and poor. Some peop believe that this will create social conflict and instability. do not necessarily need to take such a negative outl


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

Their protest actions(S1) included(V1) destroying machines(O1) ― crimes <for which some Luddites(S2) were killed(V2) by authorities>.
①―(ハイフン):前のprotest actionsをcrimesに置き換えて、補足説明している
②crimes <for which(関係代名詞) some Luddites were killed by authorities>
← crimes+some Luddites were killed for them(代名詞:the crimes) by authorities

