
問5でthe peopleではだめなんでしょうか?

3 (Yuna) さんとレストランでメニュー (Menu) を見ながら話しています。 メニューと会話を 日本に留学中のロビン (Robin) さんは, クラスメートの健太 (Kenta)さん、由奈 読んで、あとの各問に答えなさい。 (dishes) Hamburger Egg Sandwich Tuna Sandwich Spaghetti with Tomatoes Spaghetti with Seafood Spaghetti with Mushroom Pizza with Potatoes Pizza with 4 Kinds of Cheese Pizza with Seafood ¥300 ¥300 ¥300 ¥450 ¥500 ¥500 ¥500 ¥600 ¥600 Menu (drinks) Coffee Milk Tea Orange Juice (others) Salad Apple Pie Cheese Cake •The tomatoes used in the Spaghetti with Tomatoes are picked in this town. You can order a bigger size of each dish. + 50 yen. •You can get a 100 yen discount if you buy a drink and a salad with any dish. * If you have any questions about this menu, you can ask in English. Robin: Look! This menu is written in English. Kenta: I often see a lot of people from other countries. Many of them speak English. This kind of menu will help those people. They can order in English Robin I see. easily. ¥200 ¥250 ¥250 ¥280 Yuna Right. Also, it says that they can ask questions about the menu in English. That means people working in this restaurant speak English, right? Now, what are we going to eat? Robin : A yen. Kenta: I'm going to order a dish made with bread. I don't want to eat spaghetti or pizza. Robin: Then you can choose one of these three dishes. Each one is three hundred Kenta: I don't want to eat egg or tuna today. So I'll choose あ Robin: How about you, Yuna? How about you, Robin? Robin: I love cheese, so I'll have a pizza with 4 kinds of cheese. Yuna You can choose a bigger size. (1) Robin: Oh, yes. I want a bigger size because Kenta: I'd like a bigger size, too. And a coffee. ¥250 ¥250 ¥280 Thank you. Yuna : I'm going to eat spaghetti or pizza. Which should I choose? pictures at the front door of this restaurant. choose/look/ that/ can't/good) one from them. Robin: The menu says that the tomatoes used in the spaghetti are picked in this town. Yuna: Right! I want to eat い So I'll order a spaghetti with tomatoes. I saw their All those dishes (1/so/ eat an apple pie. Do you want an apple pie? Robin: Oh, yes, I'll have that, too, and I'd like a milk with it. Yuna: I'd like a tea and a salad, too. - 3 - Robin: I'd like an apple juice because apples are my favorite fruit. Yuna: They don't have apple juice. The only fruit juice is orange juice, but you can Ke Re Y K Robin: You will get a 100 yen discount because you will (2) Yuna. Yuna: Does the menu say that? Oh, that's true. Won't you order a salad, Kenta?
領域別学習判定 リスニング 通交通究 農 問4 問2 問3 問5 Kenta: Robin OK. Yuna Look at that table over there. They are ordering in English. I'm interested in working in a restaurant in this town. Kenta: Oh, yes. Robin: Great. (ZE) B We all have decided. Yuna: That's true. B I don't like vegetables very much. If the people working at restaurants in this town speak English well. (3) ア ウ more people from other countries can enjoy eating local food. ② Well. let's order like the people over there. A B 問 1 れぞれ1つ選び、その符号を書きなさい。 A ア Yes, I am. イ You can do that. Yes, please. That's great. tuna : ツナ, マグロ mushroom: マッシュルーム 」の中に入る英語として,次のア~エから最も適切なものをそ I'm sure they do. I don't think so. I want to do that. I イ I No, I won't. あ ぞれ1つ選び,その符号を書きなさい。 ア a hamburger ウ fresh food discount: 割引 いの中に入る英語として、次のア~工から最も適切なものをそれ イ I local food )内の語句を、会話の意味が通じるように正しく並べかえ、文を完 a pizza with seafood 下線部①の( 成させなさい。 (1) (3) について,あなたが健太さんなら何と言いますか。 2文以上のまとまりの ある英文で書きなさい。 (2) □の中に,それぞれ3語~10語の適切な内容の英語を書きなさい。 問6 下線部②は, ここではどのような意味で使われているか、次のア~エから最も適切な ものを1つ選び, その符号を書きなさい。 ア Let's order in English. イ Let's order after we ask questions. ウ Let's order drinks after we eat dishes. I Let's order bigger dishes. 問7 次のア~カのうち, メニュー及び会話の内容に合うものをすべて選び、その符号を書 きなさい。 ア The restaurant has two kinds of sandwiches, and each of them is 600 yen. イIf you order a tuna sandwich, a coffee and a salad, you will pay 650 yen. ウ Kenta is going to order a bigger hamburger and a coffee, and he will pay 550 ye エ Yuna is going to order a spaghetti with seafood because she likes eating local foo オ Robin is going to order a bigger pizza with 4 kinds of cheese, an apple pie and a mil 力 Kenta has been working in a restaurant in this town because he loves cookir 250= 300+200+ - 4
14 問2 あ ア P93 that look good go I I'm 問4 問52 A 問6 [7] B restaurants very hungry drink and SO ア イノウ、オ good can't choose salad with a Spaghetti y I'll check why the people working at can speak English well. と


