

テーマ 資源・エネルギー 10 文法項目 動名詞(いろいろな形/動名詞と不定詞) Track 29-30 UNIT 6 Reading URELL パンダのふんの研究が、いつの日か環境問題の解決に寄与するかもしれません。 In June, 2016, a baby *giant panda, Tian Bao, was born at a zoo in Belgium. It became big news because the birth of a baby panda is an *extremely Actually, that of Tian Bao was only the sixth in Europe in the last 20 years. While its population is slowly increasing, the giant panda remains one of the rarest animals 5 in the world. Therefore, scientists have been doing research on how pandas have babies. So, you may think the scientists working at the Belgium zoo *accomplished the goal of their research. But they have another goal; apart from having done that research, they've been studying panda *poo. Why are they doing that? Bm Dimoda ro Tian Bao's mother Hao Hao and its father Xing Hui live in the same zoo as their baby does. While they enjoy sitting in the sun and eating bamboo, with ow dirg.or the scientist team collects their poo. By studying the poo, the team is aiming to understand how pandas can digest bamboo. rare event. 2 Note In fact, bamboo is receiving a lot of attention in biofuel research these days. 15 It's among the fastest-growing plants on earth, and yet needs the least care. So the plant can become a good source of *renewable energy. But because bamboo is very tough and hard to *degrade, today's method for making a biofuel from bamboo costs a lot. *Technically, pandas are meat-eating animals, but over the years the food they eat 20 has changed to almost only bamboo. The scientists are trying to find the *microbes that help a panda digest about 10kg of bamboo a day. By using these microbes, they will be able to discover an easy and cheap method for ( 4 ). It may take time, but some day panda poo may help cars run. (296 words)
Reading /41 Grammar /27 Writing /10 Vocabulary /12 ① 下線部①がさすものを本文から2語で抜き出しなさい。 ノ baby Listening /10 4 ④ ( ④ )に入れるのに最も適切なものを選び,記号で答えなさい。 ア growing bamboo for pandas to eat イ producing a biofuel from bamboo (Total /100 panda ⑥② 下線部 ②を日本語に訳しなさい。 ただし, "that research" の内容がわかるように訳すこと。 (9点) (パンダがどのように赤ちゃんを産むかについて研究をした後 ③3 下線部 ③の理由を日本語で書きなさい。 ただし, 「竹は」で書き始めること。 (竹は地球上で最も急成長している1つ ウ raising pandas in zoos and releasing them into the wild エ replacing biofuels with other sources of renewable energy ( 7点) (9点) (7点) BEIGE (エ) ⑤ 本文の内容と一致するものには○を,一致しないものには×をつけなさい。 ( 3点×3=9点) @ The number of giant pandas is becoming smaller every year. biklayon na! ⑥ The poo of Tian Bao's parents are collected for research. © The scientists are studying how pandas digest tough bamboo. (○) ther (0)


