

A 5 14 ) 4 次のヤマト (Yamato) とティナ (Tina) の対話文を読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。 Yamato: Do you cook, Tina? Yes, Yamato. I'm good at cooking. I cook lunch for my family on weekends. Yamato:you / what / do / cook)? : I cook many kinds of food. I can make Japanese food like curry and rice. Yamato: Oh, I like curry and rice very much. My favorite curry is chicken curry. Tina do you like? : I like vegetable curry. I often make it. Do you make curry, Yamato? (3 My mother can make delicious curry. : Do you do anything for your family? Tina Tina Yamato: No. Tina Yamato: Yes, I do. Tina : What do you do? Yamato: I take out the garbage in the morning. : Good for you. Tina kind 意味の通る英文になるように, 下線部①の( what do you cook, D (2) 下線部 ② の英文の意味を日本語で表しなさい。 どんなカレーが好きですか? 4 ④に適する文を,ア~エから1つ選びなさい。 (a) Is Tina good at cooking? Yes she is. )内の語を並べかえなさい。 (3) (3) 37 I don't like curry. I can cook well. 7 In the evening, I get home. In the evening, I eat dinner. (4) 本文の内容にあうように、 次の質問に英語で答えなさい。 (b) Can Tina cook Japanese food? Kes, she can. 1 I often make curry. I I can't cook well. BEST What curry In the evening, I walk my dog. I In the evening, I do my homework. I (エ) WTFS 2 9 31 M 4 F1 16 DO 1時間35分 居上 未空 67 12 13 14 9 20
#あかもも #英語 #読解 #疑問詞 #what


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

③のしたのTinaの言葉に 「あなたの家族のためになにかしていますか」と聞かれています。
