

e 2, pe gion 訳さ 手を 青報」 EXERCISES A Fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. (1) とても騒がしかったので、だれも私の声を聞き取れなかった. ( )( とでも ) so noisy that no one could hear me. (2) 暗くなる前にこの仕事を切り上げよう. Let's wrap up this job ( )( (3) 健康にはいくら注意してもしすぎることはない. ( ) cannot be too careful about ( (4) 私たちが初めて会ってから10年が経った. ( )( )( ) gets dark. ) ten years since we first met. (2) たくさんの人がキャンセルを待っていた. There (3) その国には4つの公用語がある. ) health. son that stV (4) とても蒸し暑かったので,授業に集中できなかった. B Complete the sentences with the words in brackets. (1) ( are / of / number / choices / there / a) for her birthday present. (2) ( imagine / we / without / life / cannot) vending machines. (3) In that country, (than/ soccer / they / any / like / better) other sport. (4) (was/there / much / not / left / milk in the refrigerator. (5) (long/from / was / it / way / a) the airport, so I'm exhausted. C Express the following in English and complete the sentences. (1) このホテルの部屋は静かで快適だ. Let's Try G① Talk about the questions in pairs. anumber of.….いくつかの とても~なので D Express the following in English. (1) インターネットに依存する人がますます増えている. (2) 住所などの個人情報に気をつけなければならない. (3) 駅からコンサートホールまでどれくらいの距離か知っていますか. (4) この町では3日間雪が降り続いている. in this hotel room. cancellations. in that country. that Ⅰ could not concentrate on class. (1) They say that no news is good news. Do you think this is true? (2) Why do you think so? Ex. I think it's true. The reason is that people don't have to contact others if they don't have a problem. ② Answer the questions in 30 words or so. STAGE 1 11 UNIT 1


(1) (It) (was) so noisy that no one could hear me.
(2) Let's wrap up this job (before) (it) gets dark.
(3) (We) cannot be too careful about (our) health.
(4) (It) (has) (been) ten years since we first met.
(1) (There are a number of choices) for her birthday present.
※a number of+複数形… 多くの…
(2) (We cannot imagine life without) vending machines.
(3) In that country, (they like soccer better than any) other sport.
※比較級 than any other+単数形… 他のどの…よりも
(4) (There was not much milk left) in the refrigerator.
冷蔵庫にはあまりミルクが残っていなかった。← 冷蔵庫に残された多くのミルクがなかった
(5) (It was a long way from) the airport, so I’m exhausted.
(1) It is quiet and comfortable in this hotel room.
(2) There were many people <waiting for cancellation>.
← <キャンセルを待っている>多くの人達がいた。
(3) <They> have four official languages <in that country>.
(4) It was so hot that I could not concentrate on class.
(1) More and more people have become dependent on the Internet.
別解:The number of people dependent on the Internet has been increasing.
※more and more people ますます多くの人達 become dependent on … …に依存するようになる the number of+複数形… …の数
(2) We must be careful about our private information such as addresses.
※be careful about … …に気を付ける  such as … …のような
(3) Do you know <how far it is from the station to the concert hall>?<間接疑問文>
← Do you know? + How far is it from the station to the concert hall?(駅からコンサートホールまでどれ位の距離ありますか?)
(4) It has been snowing in this town for three days.

具体的な基礎力を数字で表す → 英単語2,000+文法力=文法参考書の例文全部覚える!
いつまでに? → 3か月以内!→ 再び3か月以内!→ 再び3か月以内!

