

(1) Considerable attention has been paid to the size or relative size of the human brain. The first point of interest is that the ratio of brain weight to body is at a maximum at birth and decreases with age, reaching a fairly steady level by maturity. In other 5 words, newborn babies have very large brains, relatively speaking, weighing some 300 grams. This is roughly the size of the brain of an adult male chimpanzee. Children and their brains continue to grow for many years, gradually increasing their ability to learn and remember. There have been suggestions that the growth of 10 the brains of children is not steady, but occurs suddenly, each period of rapid growth (2) associated with a particularly important developmental or intellectual stage. These stages could be the ability to reason abstractly, to talk, or even to do arithmetic. The idea of sudden brain growth is still around, but 15 has not attracted much enthusiasm. Some research has shown differences in the relative sizes of the brains of males and females of the same age, but so far no great differences have been found between people of the same age but of different ethnic groups. Obviously the brain of a small Japanese teenager is very much smaller than that of a giant Russian boy. But when brain size is adjusted for size or weight of the body, there ( 3 ) great advantage for either with respect to intelligence. Moreover, in measuring intelligence one has, of course, to take into account the effects of education and cultural background. Individual brain sizes, particularly of famous people, have also


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

訳:子供の脳の成長は一定でなく突然起きて、それは、急成長する期間というのは、特定の重要な発達と知能の段階と関連があるためである、という示唆があった。、each〜から分詞構文で、今回の場合は 主文と分詞の主語が異なる、独立後分詞構文ですね。今回は、理由の意味ででとりました。上手く日本語にできてないかも知れませんが、言っている内容を理解すれば、英文のままで飲み込めると思います✨



