
答えがなくて分かりません。reed&AnswerとLet's checkを教えてください🙏

1 2 どのように食べるかは地域や文化によって異な n 3 P Nowadays, about 40 percent of the people in the world eat food with their hands regularly. Most of them are in Africa, in the Middle East and in some parts of Asia. They believe hands are cleaner than other utensils, which can be used by someone else. 5 When you eat with your hands, you can feel the texture and temperature of food and it makes food taste better. In some regions, however, the left hand is never used because it is considered to be unclean. 10 4 Another 30 percent of the people in the world, mainly in East Asia, use chopsticks. They are useful for eating sticky or hot food. They can also cut food into smaller pieces, mix ingredients before eating, and carry food into the mouth. better to use, hands or chopsticks? Which do you think is 15 hands Part
ekstfar region [Ankli:n] unclean Iri:dzan(z) East Asia 1:st eiza Chopstick Sapstik(s) Read & Answer 1. Why can eating with hands make food taste better? a. Because the texture and temperature of food can be felt through the hands. b. Because hands are cleaner than utensils. c. Because food can be cut into small pieces. 2. What are chopsticks helpful for? di to s a. Cutting foods before eating. b. Cooking sticky and hot food. c. Washing dishes. 2 be | helpful [helpfǝl] og ob Let's Check! A +z/ ●make + O + do 「Oに~させる」 「自分の意思にかかわらず、無意識に,自然と] When you eat with hands, you can feel the texture and temperature of food and it makes food taste better. [ll. 6-7] make O do Exercises 次の英文の にあてはまる適切な語をそれぞれ下から選びましょう。 My mother is a good cook. Even if I feel sad and don't feel like eating anything, her dishes always (e) me forget my sorrow. I sorrow [sárou, só:r-] make My mother is good at cutting hair. So whenever I think my hair has got a little too long, I (have) my mother cut my hair. My brothers play in a band and both have nice g guitars. When I ask them if I can play their guitars, they ( ) me use them and teach me how to play well. let [have let make] jcky stik


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

[Read & Answer]
1. なぜ手で食べることが食べ物の味をより良く感じさせ得るのか?
a.(なぜなら、食べ物の質感や温度が手を通して感じられるからである。) ← 本文6~7行目 ✕b. 食べ物の味とは無関係
2. 何のためにお箸が役立つのか?
a.(食べる前に食べ物を切り取ること) ← 本文11~13行目 ✕b. Cooking → 〇Eating 本文11~12行目
〇 (make) 〇 (have) 〇 (let)




You're welcome!😊
