
✨ ベストアンサー ✨


英訳1:Banksy is believed to have been born in the town of Yate, South Gloucestershire in the early 1970s. <受動態>
英訳2:They believe Banksy to have been born in the town of Yate, South Gloucestershire in the early 1970s. <能動態>
英訳3:It is believed that Banksy was born in the town of Yate, South Gloucestershire in the early 1970s. <受動態>
英訳4:They believe that Banksy was born in the town of Yate, South Gloucestershire in the early 1970s. <能動態>
つまり、They believe Banksy that he was born in the town of Yate, South Gloucestershire in the early 1970s. は✕で、その受動態 Banksy is believed that he was born in the town of Yate, South Gloucestershire in the early 1970s. も✕です。

では、They believe Banksy that he was born in the town of Yate, South Gloucestershire in the early 1970s. はなぜ✕なのか? 訳のしようがなく、意味不明になるからです。
第4文型:They(S) believe(V) Banksy(IO) <that(接続詞) he(S) was born(V) in …>(DO).? 意味は?
第5文型:They(S) believe(V) Banksy(O) <that(接続詞) he(S) was born(V) in …>(C).? 意味は?

