
0 fetchea 6口47. WhaD )me wWas that Jane didn't even say hello when she saw me. O struck Lserike n過E 2 struck at ③ struck on のwould strike 「(慶鷹大) 口48. It's a pity that quite a few Japanese women ((1 ) their jobs when they get married. イドをや。 49. The kids jn the train wěre really noisy. I couldn't ( 0) it. D end up 特 んでんる (2 quit き 3 retire/Apo WitháraM bgeur (センター試験) quit jo6 a 1 stand 2 stay ③ state 4) start ol (産能大) ○口 50. The earthquake created a tremendous sea wave, which soon ( ) the island. O defeated 2 hit ③ broke aO fought (昭和女子大) 35- 口51. Each of the wrestlers ( ③) over 100kg. Dis weigh 2 is weight 3weighs のweights (センター試験) 口52. You should (2 )a dictionary when you are not sure of the meaning of a new word. D consult with 2 consult (ま動3 look up 4 look after one ori, (西南学院大) ので O口 53. I have only five thousand yen to (3)me for the rest of the month. D enable 2 follow no 4 make Hola y (日本大) ior Is S) ③ last 口54. Mother:Jimmy ? Boy: Yes ? Mother: Please ( om 1orh lle ) the front yard before dinner. (1 water 2 put water 3 have water (4 scatter water (青山学院大) OL55. I cannot imagine ( 3) about a book. D you to be so exciting 2 for you to be so excited 3 you being so excited 4 for you to be so exciting (上智大) 0U56. Your quick response to our request would be ()). 0 obliged 2 appreciated ③ thankful の pleased (南山大) 57. I had left a present for her at my house, so she waited for me whileI() )it. 3 lost ② missed の neglected (同志社大) 58. The train was ( (3) ) bya heavy snowfall. O postponed の 3 delayed gur-D adjourned 4% ② cancelled (慶鷹大) 59. The price of the stock ( 0 ) by half in less than a month. ② spoiled のmissed (同志社大) 3 lost eでエれて言ってた昨定 → に合れてだし、 3) attract 0 declined 口60. This work doesn't ( pay ). (1 cost ② deserve の pay (西南学院大) O口61.I wonder what the bill would ( ) to. (2 he 3 bring (4) come (日本大)


