

17 EXERCISES O Choose the better option. 1) Don't drink coffee before you go to bed. You(won't /don't) sleep well. 3) I want to finish my homework quickly because(IIl / I'm going to) watch a movie tonight. 4) Oh, I left my wallet at home. Well, don't worry. 2) If we start now,(well be / we're) in time for the party. 参 p63 ro Faih (IIl/ I'm going to) lend you some money. 時の表 fee 26 5) Are you free this Sunday? - Sorry. (TIll/ I'm going to) visit my grandma. omo 2 Choose the better option. how」 fnis 1) Don't be late. The concert(starts / start)at six. shortly 「まもなく」 きっと)そう 3) We (flew/were flying) to Sapporo at ten, but our flight was canceled. 4) Ill text* you when I (arrive / will arrive) at the station. 2) Please wait here. Professor Johnson (comes / is coming) shortly*. tomoror text「~にメッセージを送る」 O 9oiy y 5) Usually (I stay / Ill stay) home on Sundays, but tomorrow(I go / Im going) out.> 3 Correct the underlined parts if necessary. Drawa circle “O" if it's correct. 1) The sun is shining. The clothes dry soon. 参 tee p.64 て eb-usimoy bateiv av T L。 20 2) I1l return this book when I'll see you next time. 29 Sorry, but I'm meeting Sally. 3) Can you come on Saturday evening? (4) Can we meet after three? Il study until then. 5) Will you be using your dictionary in the third period today? 一 No. borrow it? Do you want to la noed evast ahs ot needauj esil syA Lit 着目) Put the Japanese sentences into Enalish. d upro ahal at neod and ayA 1)次の列車は5番ホームに到着します。 -ce 66 at platform 5. (wear ~ to ) 30 1 mwonl 2)君は来週のパーティーには何を着て行くの? I uce MS to the party next week? 31 uoY (present) 3)旅行楽しんできてね。 一ありがとう。 お土産, 買ってくるね。iv Thank you. Enjoy your trip. 4)明日の今ごろは,ぼくは試験を受けているなあ。 nonl (cherry blossoms) pnol 5)もし来月あなたがここに来たら,きれいな桜を見られますよ。 ta ny Give It a Try Complete the sentences. 1) I'm gaining weight*. From tomorrow, Ill gain weight 「体重が増える」 tomorrow? 2) No, I'm staying home. I have a lot of homework to do. around six this evening? e 3) What IIl be having my piano lesson then. 4) What are you doing this weekend?
19 の視点で表す表現。 EXERCISES 1 Make sentences from the words in brackets. 例)I can't find my bike key. I (lose/it). → I (have lost it). 1) We(miss/the bus). 参 p79 We'll have to walk. 2) Are you hungry? 3)(Paul/arrive / yet)?- No, we're still waiting for him. No, I (just / have / lunch). 4) Don't forget to buy millk.-I (already / buy / it). 5) Is this book interesting? 39 時の意し ofce b -I don't know. I (not / read /it/yet). どうであるか」に 気を置いた表現であ D Hart 2 Fill in the blanks. Use the verbs in the brackets. ou olhert とに注意しよう。 1) I really love this movie. I(J)( ウ) it three times. [see] 2) What's Mai's brother like? - I have no idea. I( how. ) him. [meet] ) never( fuish もう(~したか) ) married for 20 years. [be] ) to Leo? - Yes, several times. He's a funny person. [talk] ) since this morning. [shine] 3) My parents have( * 9oing ny 1 4) Have you( 5) The sun has( 参 p.80 Wor 3 Correct the underlined parts if necessary. Drawa circle "O" if it's correct. 1) Is your bag new? - No, I have it for a year. tee 40 twice(2 度), mes (何度も) onamoneg Tierit We know each other very well. し。 2) Emma and I are good friends. 3) My father travels a 1lot. He has visited many countries. VW 4) Is Ren still studying in his room? - Yes. He is studying for more than two hours. d Oh, yes. I have seen her three days ago. late beg,pggpakbar yeriT.? 19legot 5) Have you seen Jill lately? - Lit Put the Japanese sentences into English. 1)カイトはどこにいるの?ーここにいないよ。 たった今出かけたの。 nai gniisw neod barl eW .0t hour 4 C Cele p.82 Where's Kaito? - He isn't here. He To(arrive) 2)先週,ネットで何冊か本を買ったが,まだ届いていない。 41 some books online last week, but they 「I 42 3)佐々木先生はこの学校で教えて8年になります。 (sing karaoke) it? 2) 43 4)私はよくカラオケで歌いますが,英語の歌は歌ったことがありません。 (have a headache) sna 5)今朝起きたときからずっと頭が痛い。 F Give It a Try: AJ Complete the sentences. Yes, once. I want to visit it again. to Okinawa? Meg? - I have known her for ten years. book report 「読書感想文」 the report yet.. 1) 2) 3) Have you finished your book report*? C- Well, Ive read the book, but I 1.E しょ B Write about yourself. 1) I have never 2) I have been 0444
論評 英語 高一


