

2020年度 英語 京都産業大-公募推薦11月16日 京都産業大-公募推薦11月16日 2020 年度 英語 (B]次の会話文を読んで,空所をうめるのに最も適切なものを一つ選び, その番号 をマークしなさい。 Mike: Pea soup? No way! Well, you chose the museum, so how about if I ( 19 )? Jack: That sounds fair. Let's go. I like their pizza. Jack and Mike are in an art museum. 16) Jack: Hey, look at this one! What a fantastic sculpture! 1. show me a rock Mike: Uh, what is that? 2. stop you praising it Jack: I don't know, but it's quite amazing. Just look at how the shape curves up 3. make me depressed from the floor, and the color and the texture give it a feeling of sadness. 4. help you understand it Mike: Huh? What are you talking about? I just see a rock. Jack: No, no, no! You have to look at it in a different way. Here, read the tite 7) and description of the piece. Maybe that will ( 16 ). 1. can't imagine Mike: The piece is called The Edge of Dawn." It says here that the artist 2. want to tell us wanted to create the feeling of an early morning on a rocky beach. Well, I understand the "rocky" part, but not much else. The only thing I feel is 3. say about Rembrandt hungry, because it's lunchtime. 4. don't like about the beach aleg Jack: Unbelievable! I think that the artist wants to challenge us to imagine how he felt when he created the piece. You know, most artists have something 18) d or *they( 17 ), or something they want us to think about. 1. No, I'm not. Mike: You're kidding, right? I's just a rock in a room. There's no special 2. That's not true! meaning. 3. If it's lunchtime, Jack: You're not an art lover, are you? 4. You mean, classical music? Mike: ( 18 )Ilove Rembrandt and all the classic works. People, buildings, bowls of fruit, they all look so real. But this modern art? Even I could do 19) that! 1. stay here Jack: Ah, but you didn't. Maybe that's the difference. Anyway, I like it a lot. 2. eat by myself Mike: Okay, let's agree to disagree. Everyone has their own opinion, I guess. 3. agree with your choice Anyway, are you ready for lunch yet? I heard there's a great Italian 4. decide the restaurant for lunch restaurant just down the street. Jack: Or we could eat in the museum cafeteria. They make a good pea soup. HRNO. L NAME C


