

. that Anna Harris has agreed to be our new chief designer. Questions 5 through 8 refer to the following e-mail. TO |All design team staff FROM Ray Brown 54問)。具 -1つの文書 -2つの文書 3つの文書 1つの文書、 |April 2 New chief designer DATE SUBJECT T am happy to この教科書 ためにダブ、 5 She working with us on April 16. As many of you already know,Ms 6 Harris majored in fashion design at New York City College and has worke the fashion industry 設問には、 twenty years. She worked as a designer at famous 1. 文書内の 2文脈に合 3書き手の 4.指定され この教科書 7 fashion companies in Paris, Milan, and London coming back to New York 8 last year. I believe her experience will help develop and grow our business She will come to our office to meet with the vice president next Wednesday 」 hope all of you will join us in welcoming her. 1.早く解に ここで扱う のから易し しよう。実 Best, Ray Brown つけて取り 0詳細情報 5(A) call (B) contact (C) announce When is o (D) concern 6(A) started (B) has started (C) start (D) will start Where v のOO0 Why sh 7(A) for (B) since (C) during (D) within のOO0 このよう 答えに早 8(A) because (B) before (C) though (D) about B O 0 文書の目 (A B 0 What is Why dir 手紙や 88 Key Strategies for Success on the TOEIC" L&R Test: Level 400 ヒントレ
Questions 1 through 4 refer to the following announcement. Practice ここでは文挿入間題以外の練習をしよう。 The 5th Annual Robot Exhibition will be held at the Lake Village Center on September 28. This year's top 10 robotics engineering schools will to exhibit robots they have created. Also, Mr. Tomita, a director of popular robot a talk about his new movie. Fans of movies, 2 movies are expected なのでの 3 to come from around the world. So it is recommended that you reserve a hotel room early. You can find more information about both the exhibition 4 nearby hotels on our website, www.robotexhibit.org. 1(A) be invited (B) invite (C) inviting (D) have invited きるのを楽 (B 2(A) gave (B) has given (C) was giving (D) will give A B 3 (A) he (B) his (C)it (D) their 4 (A) and (B) or (C) nor (D) but ne iC) nub a ned (A) 8 87 Unit R-6 長文穴埋め問題 Unit R-6 (Part 6) D D D D (O (B


