

GW 奥語課題 1日1枚央市期のル GW央 演習項目→複数の人称代名詞 複数の人称代名詞 We·You· They の用法を区別しましょう。次の下線部をWe/You/ They のうち適当なものに置き換えて全文を書き換えなさい。 演習項目→複数と単数) 3 4 文の一部を単数に変えると他の部分も同時に変わります。どの部分が変わるか注意して 次の下線部を単数に変え、全文を書き換えなさい。 1. We are doctors. V 1. Tom and Mike are English students. C C 2. They are American girls. 2. Mike andl are English boys. L 3. Those are English books. 3. You and Jane are good friends. 4. They are Japanese boys. - -ト 4. You and I are good friends. -ト- 5. These are my books. 5. She and I are not American girls. 6. You aren't teachers. 6. Tom andI are not brothers. 7. They aren't Jane's dolls. 7. You and Bill are American boys. 8. They aren't your father's cars. 8. Dick and Mary are brother and sister. 9. Those boys aren't students. 9. You and I are Japanese students. 10. They aren't my cils. 10. Jane and Nancy are sisters. 11. Are those your books ? 11. Jane and I are not sisters. 12. Are these Mike's balls ? 12. This book and that book are Mike's. 13. Are they hats or caps ? 13. You and Nancy are American students. 14. What are these ? 14. Miss Green and Mr. Miller are our teachers. 15. Whose bags are those? 15. Mr. Miller and I are your teachers.
の。 映晶課題 1口1枚央語脳の筋トレ5 No, 「日1枚英語悩の筋トレ6 Name 演習項目→形容詞の用法 演習項目→冠詞A· AN· THE「この彼の」などが付いてはっきり指摘された 人·物や、複数形や固有名詞などにA.AN はつっけられません。THE は「いま言ったそ の」というようなはっきりわかる人,物にしかつきません。次の( 詞を選びなさい。必要でなければ×を選びなさい。 5 名詞を修飾したり、名詞の形や状態などを述べる形容詞を使って英文を作ってみましよ う。形容詞だけの場合は冠詞 A. AN は付けられません。冠詞の出没に注意して、次の 文を英語になおしなさい。 )内の適当な冠 2行になってもいから 杵をほみ出るい- 1. これはかわいい人形です。この人形はかわいい。 S 1. This is(a, an. the, ×) table. V V This doll 2. これはとても古い車です。この車はとても古い。 2. This is(a, an, the, ×) his book. 3. That is(a, an, the, ×)old piano. 4. Tom is(a, an, the, ×) my good friend. 3. あれは小さな犬です。あの犬は小さい。 5. That man is(a, an, the, ×)Mr. Smith. 6. My name is(a, an, the, X)Nancy, 4. あれは赤い花です。 あの花は赤い。 7. This flower is(a, an, the, ×) very beautiful. 8. You have (a, an, the, ×) very beautiful flower. 9. They have(a, an, the, ×)very beautiful flowers. 10. I have(a, an, the, ×) English book in my bag 5. あれらは大きい猫です。あれらの猫は大きい。 6. これは大きいバッグではない。このバッグは大きくない。 11. Is that(a, an, the, ×) piano or(a, an, the, ×)organ ? 12. Is that girl(a, an, the,×)Nancy or(a, an, the,×) Lucy? 13. Are those boys(a, an,the, ×)American students ? 14. Are you (a, an, the, ×)English teacher ? 15. Is that(a, an, the, ×) Tom's school bag ? 16. Are those dogs(a, an, the, ×) young ? 17. Is this(a, an, the, ×) Japanese watch ? 7. これは新しい時計ではない。この時計は新しくない。 8. あれは白い花ではない。あの花は白くない。 9. これは長い鉛筆ですか。この鉛筆は長いですか。 18. Whose(a, an, the, ×) doll is this ? …ーー…ト -- 10. これは新しい本ですか。この本は新しいですか。 19. Who is(a, an, the, ×) that girl on the bench ? 20. I have(a, an, the, X) dog and(a, an, the, ×)cat. (A, An, The,×)dog is white and(a, an, the, ×)cat is black. 21. This is(a, an, the, X) pretty picture. I like(a, an,the, ×) picture. 22. They have(a, an, the, ×) pretty cat. They like(a, an, the, ×)cat. 23. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have(a, an, the, ×) bird. (A, An, The, ×) bird is pretty. 24. I have(a, an, the, ×)piano. (A, An, The, ×) piano is very old. 25. My sister often plays(a, an, the, ×) piano. 11.あれらは幸福な少年たちですか。あれらの少年たちは幸福ですか。 ト… …ーー- 12. これは白い花ですかそれとも赤い花ですか。 - ー ー- トーー … 13. この花は白いですかそれとも赤いですか。 14. あれは新しい車ですかそれとも古い単ですか。 15. あの車は新しいですかそれとも古いですか。
演習項目→一般動詞の用法 主語が3人称単数の場合、Have は Has になり他の一般動詞にはsあるいは es がつき 演習項目→3人称単数の主語と動詞 主語が3人称単数になると動詞の形に変化が生じます。動詞にSやES を付け加えます が Haye は例外で Has になります。does·doesn't が文中にあれば動詞はもとの形「原 形1のままです。次の下線部の主語を( )内の語にかえて全文を書き換えなさい。 7 8 ます。次の( )内の適当なものを選びなさい。 1.I (have, has)a big dog. 2. Tom and Mike(have, has) some books. 1. I have a good camera.(Tom) V 3. My mother (like, likes) small dogs. 4. Mary(have, has)a pretty doll. 5. We(play, plays) tennis after school. 6. Your sister(have, has)a piano. 7. His father(have, has)a new car. 2. They have pretty dolls.(Jane) 3. I like dogs very much.(My brother) 8. Mr. Black (play, plays) golf with my father. 9. Their mother (have, has) an old violin. 10. I (like, likes) birds very much. 4. We play tennis on Sunday. (Mr. Smith) 5. My friends study English. (My sister) 11. They (have, has)a white dog and a black dog. 12. My sister.(swim, swims) every Sunday. 6. I like baseball very much.(My brother) 13. He(have, has)a nice camera. 14. Your father(run, runs) every morning. 7. They like apples and oranges.(She) 15. You(have, has)a tennis racket. 8. You know Mr. Smith.(My mother) 16. Those girls(like, likes)tennis and swimming. 17. Her mother(read, reads) English very well. 18. Mike's brother (have, has)a good camera. 9. They don't have books.(She) 19. We(help, helps) our mother after school. -ト…… 10. My friends don't like cats.(Tom) 20. His sister (play, plays)golf on Sunday. 21. Nancy(help, helps) her mother every day. 22. My sister and I (walk, walks) to school. -ト--……ー…ー 11. His brothers don't play tennis.(He) 23. That boy (like, likes) English. 24. Your mother(play, plays) the piano very well. 12. Do you like flowers ? (your mother) 25. Our teacher(swim, swims) after school. 13. Do they have cameras ?(your brother) 26. My school (have, has) a nice swimming pool. 27. His brother(come, comes) to school at eight. 28. You and I (like, likes)apples. 14. Do Tom and Nancy like cats ?(she) 29. They (play, plays)baseball after school. 15. Do you and Tom have apples ?(Nancy) 30. Mr. Brown (like, likes)flowers.



