

(4)“Shall-we go for a drive this afternoon?" “(Yes, we do / Yes, lgt's / Yes, please ).” (命令文を含む) 6 Lesson 2 be 動詞と一般動詞2 aidi mi [] 次の英文の( )内に入れるのに適当な語句を選びなさい。 ( )bad oof e'leifT to dginbio js (1) Let's ( ask / a$king / to ask ) John to join our basketball team viim (2) (Are / Is / (Be) careful. This floor is very *slippery. (3) “Speak English. (Nof / Don't / Didn't) speak Japanese." “Wow, it's vemy L 1gt's (5)“(Put / Take / Ask) me to Disneyland next time." "Sure, how about tomoreo (6) ( Please / Pon't / Let's ) *forget to take your umbrella. It looks like rai。 ( Get up at once, ( and / if / or) you'll be late. 19 (8)(Don't / Please / Be) worry. Everything will *turn out all right. noitsia srtt 2BW TS91 中GL6 |2| 英文の に語群から適当な動詞を選んで入れなさい。ただし,それぞれの動詞 を1回ずつ用いること。 ue 9vis bas) (1) The leaves of trees become yellow in autumn. think キー (2) I that he will come soon. (3) Don't youremember her name? (bib) mid dOB00 9) (4) Does she tell the teachers any questions in class? (5) This book will make ask you *sleepy. ーれが ま () (6) Please me the truth.o a9ob \u 19dlom Vuo) (7) Did they call good friends? Say hard from morning till night. work (8) Il 論料 basi Not Nbov) (9) Do you sometimes your father Dad? (10) The newspapers turn it's going to be cloudy tomorrow. ask (say) call make work turh tell think become remember tlsert boog ni nsil 1o lo 語句のヒント I(2) slippery 「すべりやすい」 (8) turn out all right 「うまくいく」 sst boog ni sd a. 2 (5) sleepy 「ねむい」 (6) forget to -「一するのを忘れる」 o L式 od
He Iまで 意の文本日 |2| 次の英文を( )内の指示に従って書き (1) They *hada good time at the party. (疑問文に) Are they. have a good time at the party? (2) My mother is good at playing the piano.(否定文に) 900d at playing the piano. bomg ht ad My mother isht 対床 (S) (3) You belong to our baseball club.(Ichiro を主語にした文に) Ichirobelongs to our baseball club.baslsa s こ (8 (4) My grandfather didn't buy me a watch on my birthday.(肯定文に) a watch on my birthday. TO会自こ大類 さ My grandfather bought. ume a'e19H . (5) We believe him *innocent.(否定文に) We don't m be lieve him innocent. believe (6) She studies English very hard.(否定文に) ass9 She wasu't St udy English very hard. (1てベしい (7) “Are you busy tonight?” “Yes, I am.” (否定の疑問, 否定の答に) Aven't you busy tonight?" No hot am 6
be 動詞と一般動詞 )内の動詞を適当な形にして に入れなさい。 5 lives. Cried (1) “Ms. Smith in this town." “Oh, does she?” (live ) “Our baby often looked. at midnight." “ Really? That's too bad." ( cry) very happy when you heard the news. (look) (3) You went (4) My family got oWup early this morning to take a walk in the park.(get) to the lake last summer.(go) (9esaia .2sY \es 次の日本文の意味になるように, ( )内の語句を使って英文を完成しなさい。ただし文頭 9話> 動 の語も小文字で示してあります。 (els) 91s ad IPuoy (10 \ 1 V bus) 0no 1s qu Jst k- Thog texch er (1) 駅の近くに映画館がありました。 『hod) Be) MOLLA EAGLAHUE MI L onc s La the station レ (near / was / there / the station ) There was a movie theater hear (2) 太陽は私たちに光と熱を与えてくれる。 he guiter ( and / us / gives / heat / sup) heat The Sun ivesus Cusllov light and (3) そのコーチが彼をすばらしいサッカー選手にしたのですか。 Jsrh ( the coach / him / a / did) Somen Tori Tro () Did the ceachmake him 19riose! 9ia great soccer player? Hiw dood eidT () (4) 君のお母さんはコンピューターの使い方を知っていますか。 9m (your / mother / use / does / *how to ) ase mothen know howto a computer? TT 8) Does your (5) この道を行けば, 博物館に着きますよ。nimom mot bisd 9miemoa uovco (you / to / lead / this road ) this road 00 the museum. You will om (ead ob od to (6)手紙には, 彼らがみんな元気だと書いてあります。 how es ut 19( are / all /othat / says ) ) that says. all are in good health of them * The letter 語句のヒント of jognol tal ho in good health 「健康である」 gn Hs uo mut 8)


1(1)ask (3)Don’t (7)or
2(1)turn (4)ask (6)tell (7)become (8)work (9)call (10)say


2(1)Did they have (6)doesn’t study


4(5)This road will lead you to
