

I 以下は,まさる (Masaru) さんが書いた英文です。これを読んで, あとの問いに答えなさい。 Do you know the word “Luddite"? This word means a person who is against technological change. My grandmother, Kimiko, is 74 amd lives alone in Tbkyo. Our family ives in Osaka and we Sometimes visit her house. When we visited her house last summer, she showed us a beautitul box. There were many cards init. They (1) send by our family on her birthday. Kimiko said, “I have kept these for a long time and this box is ike a treasure box to me.” She was a kind of luddite before. She did not like technology. She had a cellphone, but she did not want to use such tools. She liked sending letters or cards more than calling. )my( But one thing has changed Kimiko'gmind this year. (2)Because ( )C we( )C )her house this year. So, we planned to make a video- call to her. It was the firsttime for Kimiko. We called her and talked on the phone (video-call) foralmost an hour. She got very excited and looked so happy all the time. After that, she said that the video-call we made was wonderful. She could see our faces very clearly. She also thought that she wanted to use it more. My grandmother, Kimiko, is no more a uddite now. technology is a good thing because it is good to use some( when we need. She still needs time to be able to úse technology every day, so I will keep sending her a birthday card and sometimes make a video"call, too. She islooking forward to that. Now she has started to think that 3 )Hke cellphones or video-calls technological 先端技術の cellphone 携帯電話 (注) luddite 先端技術が嫌いな人 against ~に反対して change 変化 technology 先端技術 no more もはや~ない video-calls) テレビ電話 1 下線部(1)を, 正しい形に直しなさい。 2 下線部(2) が, 以下の意味を表すように ( 「父の仕事のせいで, 今年は彼女の家に訪問することをあきらめなくてはいけなかった。」 )に最も適切な英語を1語ずつ答えなさい。 Because ( this year. )my( )her house (3 )に入る適切な英語1語を, 文中より抜き出して答えなさい。 4 本文の内容に合わないものを次のア~オから2つ選んで, その符号を書きなさい。 3 ア Kimiko wants to use her cellphone a little more often. イ Kimiko was happy though she couldn't see the faces clearly when they talked on the video-call. ウ Masaru's family tried to make a video-call to Kimiko, but she didn't aggree with them. エ Masaru will not only send a card, but also make a video-call to Kimiko. オ When Kimiko had a video-call for the first time, she got excited very much.
I 以下は2016年に総務省およびアメリカ労働省が行った,家事関連時間 護·青児 に関する調査結果の説明文です。(1) (3) に数字を, (2) (4) に適切な英語を1語ずつ入れ。 文を完成させなさい。ただし,(4)はアルファベット1 (エル)で始まる語とする。 How long do you usually do housework? According to the graph 1, on average women were engaged in housework for 214minutes in 1996 and for 208 minutes in 2016. However, men did it for 24 minutes in 1996 and for 44 minutes in 2016. Now men do housework ( 1 )minutes longer than 20 years ago. This is a good change, but there is still a big difference of the time between men and women in Japan. Please look at the graph 2. In America, the diference between men and women is ( 2 )as big as Japan. In 2016, American men do housework for 181 minutes a week and women do it for 229 minutes. The difference is 48 minutes. However, in the same year, the difference betweem Japanese men and women is ( 3 ) minutes. Japanese women do housework as much as women in America, while Japanese men do it for 137 minutes ( 4 )than American men. Between American men and Japanese men, there is a big difference. (注) according to~ ~によると on average 平均して engaged 従事して while だが一方 くグラフ1> (分) 男女別家事関連時間の推移 【日本) 250 200 214 214 215 215 150 208 100 31 38 42 44 50 24 m 0 1996 2001 2006 2011 2016 ◆=男 女 くグラフ2> (分) 男女別家事関達時間 【日米比較】 250 200 150 100 |181 50 2 0 206 44 男 女 男 女 男 女 男 女 99 2011年 2016年 2011年 2016年 日本 アメリカ 日本:平成 28年社会生活基本調査 平成29年12月22日総務省統計局 アメリカ:U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, "American Tinme Use Survey-2016 Results" 応 の の 8


