

「 (After class, Kanae, Misuzu and Mr. Smith are talking.) Mr, Smith, England is great! They have reduced plastic waste a lot. Kanae: Mr Smith:Yes, but there's a new problem now. What's that? Kanae: Mr. Smith:The new *coronavirus. Some stores are using plastic bags again to *prevent infection. Kanae: Oh, I see. Mr. Smith:We need to use Some plastic bags and *bottles, but we can *reuse them and reduce plastic waste. Misuzu: Well, my father puts food for our birds in a *used plastic bottle. Mr. Smith: That's a great example, Misuzu! Kanae: That's interesting. I want to think of a good way to reuse plastic bags! 「注) coronavirus コロナウイルス prevent infection… …感染を防止する bottle……びん,ボトル reuse………~を再利用する used…使用済みの 問7 下線部について, もしあなたが,プラスチックごみを減らすためにレジ袋(プラスチック製の袋) を再利用するとしたら,ごみを入れる以外にどのように使いますか。2文以上の英文で書きなさ い。1文目は,レジ袋をどのように使うか,用途を書きなさい。2文目以降は,そのように使う理 由が伝わるように書きなさい。(4点) wox日 aM i 問8 次は,後日のMisuzu とKanae の会話です。自然な会話になるように,( )に適切な3語 の英語を書きなさい。(4点) Misuzu: Look at these, Kanae. These are going to be my new shopping bags. Kanae: Oh, those are furoshiki, right? Misuzu: Yes, my grandmother has a lot of furoshiki. I saw them when I went to her house last week. I liked some of them, so she ( me then. She uses her furoshiki as shopping bags. Look at this picture! Kanae: Wow, that looks so cute! I want a furoshiki, too. 8 All rights reserved.
I use as my shopping bag. when E go t0 I 90 I dont have 0 shopping bay 問7 問8 I liked some of them, so she ( gave け tor )me then.


