

形容詞,副詞 読解問題 物 語 の水の英文を議んで、 あとの各田いに答えなさい。 P0分 A00 Long ago, there was a little boy in a amall villave, His name was Koala. He didnt ve a mother or a father. He had no brothers or wisters, either, 学園) He never listened to any adulta in the village. He played all day, and did no work. In the dry season, there 教) wa ( )rain in the village, So the villagers walked a long way to the river to get Awater, But Koala didn't want to go. Hle naked some kind people for ( ③ ) water. But one day, everyone said he should go to get his own water, and they stopped giving him water. After everyone went to work, Konla got very thirsty and looked for 8Ome water, Finally, he found the villagers' coolamons in the bush. All of them were full of 城) 改) water. Then he drank plenty of water from them, and he thought he would hide these 10 Coolamons in his secret place. When everyone returned from work, they soon found there were only ( ) Coolamons, and they were almost empty, Koala was laughing at the top of a tall tree. Some men became angry and started to climb the tree to catch Koala. He tried to escape, Then he lost his balance and fell from the tall tree, And then, some strong 15 magic changed Koala. Grey hair covered his body. 5- His eyes looked like two round black buttons. His ears stood up, above the eyes and a small black nose. He was no longer a boy. He became like a bear. Even today, Koala looks exactly the same, He still doesn't go to look for water and just nibbles leaves in a tree. (1) 下線部D ⑤の英文をそれぞれ日本文になおしなさい。 (20点×2) (8点×3) (2)(2)3)のの( )に適する語句をア~エから1つずつ選びなさい。 2( ア many イa few ウa little I little (3) 本文の内容と合うものにはO, 合わないものには× を書きなさい。 (12点×3) 1 There was a river far away from the village. 2 The villagers found there was much water in their coolamons after work. [ 3 Some angry villagers caught Koala and hit him. 語切) ask ~ for .: ~に…·をくれと頼む, 求める plenty of ~: たくさんの~ adult:大人 dry:乾燥した villager:村人 bush:茂み Coolamon:クーラモン (オーストラリア先住民の木製の容器) から balance:バランス empty:空の escape:逃げる hide:隠す 8ecret:秘密の nibble:かじる magie:魔法 no longer ~:もはや~ない grey:灰色の 59


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