

READING FOR FUN wロロロロ Zorba's Promise 2balcony |belkani Every night Zorba kept the egg warm. This was difficult, バルコニー but he never gave up. 2 port Ips:ri 港 図land(ed) |end(ad)] 着陸する そのカモメとどのような約束を交わしたのでしょうか。 One morning Zorba opened his eyes. A small white head direetion |darekjan) 方向 Zorba was relaxing on a balcony 図mom (mám]ママ 図dirty Ida:rtij 汚れた 図fat [fe 太った 回cover(ed) [kAvar{d)] was looking in his direction. おおう goil |5i] 油 near the port. Suddenly, a gull landed “Mom." 17 回dead (déd死んだ 回laid Ileid layの過去分詞 ロー lay |léi] (卵を)産む Ocare [kéar」世話 図rat(s) [ret(s)| ネズミ 2mean (mi:n] 意地悪な 2attack(ed) atek(t)) おそう near him. “I'm not your mom. But you're lucky. So that's your name, “Help me," the gull cried. “I'm Lucky." covered with oil. I'll soon be dead." ロtake care of …の世話をする “What can I do?" asked Zorba. ロbody [bádij体 Zorba |z3:bal ゾルバ(名前) gull IgAl] カモメ my child, and teach it how to fly. Will you?" “Me?" Zorba took care of Lucky. When dirty, fat rats and mean “Yes, you," said the gull. cats attacked her, Zorba protected her. “I promise. In time, Lucky became a beautiful gull. 10 “Thank you," the gull said. She soon died. Under her bodv Zorba found the egg. Notes ● Zorba's Promise この話の原作は、 1996年にス ペイン語で出版された。18か国 語以上の言語に翻訳され,ヨー ロッパで大ベストセラーとなっ た作品。 Story Words タンカーでた油に体中がれてたカモメ。港に黒ネコのゾルバは、
READING FOR FUN "Lucky," Zorba said. “Now it's time to fly" 19% “Why do I have to fly?" Lucky said. “You're a gull." Lucky's flying lessons started. She tried to fly many times, ut she always failed. One rainy night, Zorba and Lucky went an() gh 回ロロロ 2flying IMaiinl 飛行 図fail(ed) Iféil(d) 失敗する karekt to a tower. “Me? A gull?" 0ou o “Lucky, all the sky is yours. Open your wings and fly." ロwing(s) [win(z)| 翼 2pull(ed) Ipúl(d)) 引く 2pull away 身を引き離す “I can't," she cried and pulled away from the edge. “Yes, you can. You can if you really want." 2edge (edsl 端 2 position Ipazifan] “So I must fly?" Lucky asked. Lucky got back into position and stepped into the air. She 位置 fell a little at first. Moments later she gained control. Her wings ロstep into. に足を踏み出す Gulls fly." 2moment(s) Imoumant(s)) ちょっとの時間 口gain(ed) lgein(d)] 得る 2control [kantroull caught the wind, and she started to fly. you teach me?" “I can't fly without your help. Will “Zorba, you're right. I can fly!" Lucky said and flew away. 10 “Yes. You can,” Zorba said 制御 ロwind Iwind] 風 to the wide, empty sky. 図wide |wáid) 広い (336 words) Read and Think 1. 下に示す内容は、 どのページで述べられていますか。 ページ番号を書き入れよう。 )ゾルバとカモメの約束 )ラッキーの誕生 ( )ラッキーの旅立ち )ゾルバの教え 2.ゾルバの物語の内容をまとめてみよう。 (1) お母さんカモメはゾルバに何をお願いしましたか。 (2) なぜゾルバはカモメに「ラッキー」という名前をつけましたか。 (3) ラッキーは自分のことを何だと思っていましたか。 (4)うまく飛べないラッキーに、ゾルバはどんなことばをかけましたか。 3. あなたが印象に残った部分とその理由を話そう。 good. 1love and even we're ,"


