
まるで囲っている you knowはあなたが知っているオレンジ色の私の猫みたいな意味ですか?

his peture book is yellow But we don't usually use yellow when also use white fof the moop We have different ways of seeing colo see my cat ? The orange one, you know!) I knew her cat, btit I didn'l orange includes thé color that lóoks brown/ to me./S1 was surprised by You are a good observer. / OIve heVer thought /of this kind ofi 「My American friend John: Yes. Yuri, do you have any other examples/④(ア just think it was orange. It looked brown to me/ Here in America the color Jawe: Really?ve never thought that people have different ideas/about ければなら にも をま があ What ゥ When) イ の(ア Which are たすう art, H John,/ ® Ane 2 ゆの( Anwe: doine ? Un Yuri 日本は赤 3 paint a pieture of the sun in Japan, Jobe: Yart (thro. Koil. (stu), Jobe: Yurt tho Kall. (ofind, thinks that. Jiari: Sure. Yellow is Ahe color for the moon. Jane: That's interesting. /I use white for the moon John: Yes. Yuri, do you have any other examples/④(ァ ; ゥ e)this ? イ 6 Such me, “Did you Furi: Yes. Last week a woman living near my house asked caty ブびはる color 茶に見えるものもオレンジに営取といム 6I've never that. You are a good observer. thought /of this kind of thing before.There many small differences are の(ア between 日のチェック


✨ ベストアンサー ✨

"you know" という表現は英会話で使われ,「ほら」「でしょ」「だよね」のように相手に共感を求めるニュアンスがあります。

